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“He listens to you more than he does to anyone else.”

“And what’s your point, Brad?” I shot back, my patience wearing thin.

“You really don’t get it, do you?” He looked at me as if I’d missed some crucial revelation.

“Don’t get what? At this point, it feels like everyone knows everything except me!” I snapped.

“You’ve dug yourself a grave,” Brad said, his expression serious.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, my frustration mounting.

“You may think that what you’re doing will stop Luca, and sure, it might for a bit. But he’ll come after you—if he hasn’t already,” Brad warned.

I rolled my eyes as I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed for the door. “Once again, Brad, you’re welcome.”

I exited the library and stopped, as the boy from my first day was standing right outside the library—only this time, it looked like he was waiting for me. He also didn’t look angry, more confused, but I wasn’t in the mood to run after him for the hundredth time.

“I don’t have time for this,” I muttered as I went around him and walked to my next class.

Chapter twelve


Walking out of the courtyard into one of the dining halls, I bit my lip as a few people looked over to me. Kimiko was busy and would be coming to join me for lunch in a matter of minutes. Having her not by my side regularly made me realize how much the students looked at me, and boy, was it a lot. I did my best to ignore them, as the majority of them were having their own conversations.

Standing at the fruit section, I felt someone’s gaze on me.

I looked up and sighed internally. Luca sat staring at me from across the room, and the look on his face was sinister. There was a seat open in front of him, and if I didn’t know any better, I would think it was an indication that I was supposed to sit there, especially with the way he practically stared me down.

Why can’t I just enjoy my damn lunch?

A hand found the small of my back, and I flinched as I looked around. Since I had previously glanced at Luca, I obviously knew it wasn’t him. When I saw who it was, however, a blush came to my face, and I turned away from his eyes. I tried to step awayfrom his hand, but he continued to walk with me as I looked at the different choices.

“Hello, Delilah,” he greeted, my name rolling off of his tongue.

“Hi, Archer... Where have you been?” I said softly, trying to ease the awkwardness I felt. I could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke.

“Have you been looking for me? I’m flattered.”

I shrugged. “No. I just noticed that you weren’t in your usual classes...”

“Hmm, well, I took the morning off campus. Went to work on my studies at my father’s office to assist him. That gave me a pass to skip a few of my morning classes… Although, I do appreciate your concern.”

I went to speak, but I sensed him getting slightly closer, and he whispered, “I also notice you’re getting a lot of attention from across the room.”

“Unwanted attention,” I muttered, annoyed, and Archer chuckled, causing a weird feeling to go through my body.

Stepping away from him, I sighed as he followed behind me. Walking out of the dining hall, I went over to Kimiko’s office, deciding to meet her there, and he followed me as I did.

“We haven’t talked about the other night, you know…” he muttered, and a blush came to my face as I shrugged.

“That’s because there’s nothing to discuss.”

The halls were practically empty as my heels and his footsteps echoed through the walls.

“Is that so?” he muttered, and I remained silent, not wanting to engage with him.

As I walked, however, I was stopped in my tracks. I bit my lip softly as I felt the bottom of my blazer being tugged only slightly. However, it was enough to make me stop.He knew that.

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