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“What do you mean?” I asked harshly, and he hesitated, but my gaze ultimately caused him to crack.

“My family... doesn’t have much money. I was lucky to be good at managing and computer science to score a spot in the school, but it wasn’t the most fun being here at my rank. I was thankful to have financial assistance to pay for the school, but Luca thought of me as nothing more than a burden. He made my life a living hell until there was an election, and he gave me a proposition that was hard to say no to,” Brad said, and I nodded to let him know I was still listening.

“Each president had been one from wealth, and if someone like me could win office, I could put hope into the students that we could change the system, and those of ‘lower class’ could do more than sit there. Luca wanted nothing to do with that; he wanted control in the school, and who better to demand it from than someone he could fit into the palm of his hand? In return for me playing him as president, he would grant me immunity from his cruel ways, and I accepted it as quickly as the offer came. He made sure I did everything he wanted me to do with no question, and I always obliged… Then Kimiko came along. She actually wanted change. She had the money, resources, mindset, knowledge, courage… everything I lack. It was no surprise to methat she won, so now Luca put me back at square one, and I’m doing the work that he has scheduled for the next two weeks.”

“Brad,” I whispered, not knowing much else to say, and he sighed.

“The school board doesn’t care about people like me; all they want is ‘diversity.’ They simply care to say that they accept all kinds of students, regardless of wealth, but for what they can offer, which is the farthest from the truth. Being president gave them more reason to express how ‘diverse’ their school was. Why would I jeopardize any of it? Thankfully, my family is doing much better, and my father’s business is growing rapidly, but that doesn’t change anything in their eyes or Luca’s. We’re all the same.”

I sighed. “Brad, you know this isn’t right,” I muttered, and he shrugged.

“I appreciate the sentiment, Delilah… but it’s best I keep my head down to just get by.”

“If only Luca could keep his mouth shut and do the same,” I muttered, annoyed, and Brad could smile at my choice of words, a small glimmer of amusement in his tired eyes.

“Well, don’t you have a way with words?” We heard a voice, and I sighed in annoyance, looking to the other side of the table to see Luca and his posse. He strolled over to us, and I stood up and folded my arms, looking directly up at him.

“You’re disgusting,” I fired, and he chuckled.

“I hope that wasn’t an insult. If it was, you’re adorable,” he said, and I ignored Brad’s blatant stare as he watched our interaction.

“He shouldn’t have to do your work just because your brain compacity can only take so much.”

Luca bit his lip, and I felt his arm snake around my body. He pulled me unbearably close to him.

“Be nice, doll. No need to be upset.”

“Get your hands off of me,” I seethed, and he chuckled as he tightened his grip on me. Brad’s eyes widened, and I could see the fear in them as he watched our confrontation.

Luca’s grip remained firm and possessive, and the smell of his cologne was overpowering.

“Feisty today, aren’t we?” he murmured, his voice low and dangerous by my ear.

Summoning all my strength, I pushed him away from me successfully. Standing firm, I looked him directly in the eyes.

“If you had a moral compass, I’d tell you you should be ashamed of yourself.”

He scoffed. “Brad and I had an agreement, and it came to an end. It’s as simple as that. He knew the consequences of not winning.”

“Youwillleave him alone, Luca. He’s a person, just like you. He doesn’t need to submit to you.”

Luca’s face turned into one of anger as he glared at me. “He is nothing like me. Weak, poor, worthless, and pathetic is what he is, and he should be reminded of where his place is in this world. You obviously still haven’t learned yours,” he said, lowering his voice.

I looked over to Brad. “Let’s go,” I said to him, and he gulped slightly as he looked from Luca to me, back and forth.

“I-I don’t t-think—” he started, but I gave him a look, and he didn’t say anything as he quickly grabbed his things and stood up.

Luca chuckled as he looked me up and down. “Killian Russel’s daughter doing charity work… never thought I’d see the day.” He glanced over to Brad. “You’re safe for now, Williams. Be thankful Ms. Russel was here to play the hero… Who knows, soon enough, she may even dig herself a hole as deep as yours.” With that, he and his entourage left the room, leaving Brad staring at me in stunned silence.

I looked away from him as I went to grab my things.So much for trying to study.

“What the hell was that?” he asked, his tone a mix of confusion and awe.

“I saved you from Luca, at least for the time being. You should be grateful,” I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

“I know that! But what I don’t get is how you managed to tell Luca Crawford what to do, and he actually listened!” Brad whisper-yelled, his eyes wide.

“I’d hardly call any of that listening,” I said with a sigh.

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