Page 87 of Tender Temptation

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It feels like I’ve shed a heavy coat on a hot day. “What a relief. I’m still worried. How are you holding up with all this?”

“I’m alright. I don’t mind hard work.” I can feel him smile through the phone.

“Thanks, Da.” I feel grateful to have his help and support. “I’ll check on the other projects Monday. Ivy’s putting ona brave face, but she’s shaken. What happened is a lot to process. I’m putting her first.” I lightly pound the railing with my fist for emphasis.

My father’s voice softens. “You’re doing the right thing, son.”

“Well, we’re heading back to the scene of the crime to get her things soon, so I’d better go. I’ll let you know if we’ll be there for dinner on Sunday.” I hang up and head back upstairs, finding Ivy awake and sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at her phone.

“Everything okay?” I sit beside her.

“Yeah, my mom’s been texting me.” She turns her phone to show me. “She’s home and wants to talk. I think we have to face her before I pack. I plan on coming clean. About everything. I really don’t care what my parents know at this point, I need to move on from these secrets.”

I stand, hold out my hand and waggle my eyebrows. “It’s your choice, baby. First, let’s shower. I’ll make sure you ‘come clean.’”

“Oh, I’m counting on it.” Ivy actually giggles, which sounds like music considering the heaviness of the past two days.

One long, sexy shower later, I load a couple of empty suitcases into my truck and we depart. On the way, Ivy’s fingers drum nervously on her thigh as she stares out thewindow. I reach over and squeeze her hand, offering silent reassurance. None of this is easy for her, but she’s resilient.

Ivy’s mom, Allison, is waiting for us outside.

“Hi, Mom.” Ivy’s voice is wary when she gets out of the truck.

Allison embraces her but doesn’t look at me. “Ivy, are you okay? I’m confused about what’s happening. Let’s go inside and talk.”

I follow her into the house and notice the tension is palpable, which is to be expected, I guess. It’s funny, I’ve always liked Allison when we’ve interacted but she’s giving me the cold shoulder. It makes me nervous.

Ivy sits down on the couch opposite her mother. For a second, I contemplate sitting in the chair next to her out of respect. On second thought, if we’re going to present a united front, I’m staying by Ivy’s side. I sit next to her on the couch.

The three of us stare across the coffee table for a few long moments.

Finally, Allison breaks the silence. “Ivy. Please tell me what happened last night. Your father is furious.”

“Mom, Dad walked in on Cillian and I yesterday. We’ve been seeing each other and it’s serious, but I need to tell you the entire story.” Ivy takes a deep breath and looks at me. I nod my encouragement. “We don’t want any more secrets.”

Allison’s eyes widen. “Secrets? What do you mean?”

Ivy’s voice is steady as she explains our history from the day of her birthday to us meeting at Kells, the development of our relationship to the demise. “The thing is, Cillian is the guy I never identified to you. He and I have never gotten over our breakup. When I got back into town, we realized our feelings hadn’t diminished. We’re still deeply in love and were planning to tell you and Dad after my birthday weekend, except Dad had the setback and we decided to wait until he felt better. The other day, he showed up to the job site unexpectedly and found us in Cillian’s office after we’d…”

“Oh.” Allison’s expression softens, but there’s a hint of worry. “How embarrassing.”

“Embarrassing doesn’t even begin to cover it,” I admit, looking at Ivy’s mom directly. “If it’s any comfort, I’ve loved your daughter from the moment I met her and I’ve never stopped. I broke it off back then because I thought our age difference was too great…”

“…because I lied and told you I was twenty-four,” Ivy interjects, then looks at her mom. “I’ve told you most of the story over the years and now you know the whole truth. I don’t want you or Dad to be angry at Cillian. I’m the one who deceived him.”

Ivy’s mom looks between us, crestfallen. “All these years you’ve kept this a secret?”

“I was scared of what Dad would say. How he’d react.” Ivy leans forward. “We’re done hiding, now. Cillian and I are in this for the long haul. I’d love your support, but even if I don’t have it, I choose him.”

Ivy reaches over and takes my hand and threads her fingers with mine. Our eyes lock and, in this moment, the invisible weight we’ve been carrying seems to dissolve, leaving only clarity and strength between us.

Allison takes a deep breath to compose herself. “Your father is a stubborn man, but he loves you. He’ll come around eventually.”

“Can we address an elephant in the room?” I try to keep my voice steady. “Mrs. Bright, I know this is a lot to take in, and you don’t know me well—what shocked me to my core was the way Stan spoke to Ivy the other day. It was unbelievably cruel and demeaning. I won’t stand by and let it happen again. Ivy deserves much better from her father.”

Ivy squeezes my hand and looks at her mom. “Ever since Forrest died, I’ve endured Dad’s outbursts. I’ve lived in fear of setting him off. Of disappointing him.” She stops for a moment and looks up at the ceiling. “I came back this year thinking things had changed. I was ready to step in and take my place at Bright Shipping, but now I can’t bear to be around him. He can be the most generous, loving person in the world, but the flip side is scary.”

“Don’t be so judgmental, darling. He’s never going to stop grieving. Losing Forrest shattered us—he got angry. He takes it out sometimes…” Allison trails off.

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