Page 76 of Tender Temptation

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“No…” I hesitate.

“Are you sure?” He caresses the backs of my hands with his thumbs. “You said you aren’t shying away about telling them about our ‘current’ relationship. What did you mean?”

I thread my fingers with his and look into his soulful hazel eyes. “I’d like to tell them the whole truth, eventually. But let’s start with where we are now. We’ll show them how committed we are, how much we mean to each other. Once they see us for who we are, then we explain the rest.”

“I don’t know.” He doesn’t look convinced. “I’ve developed trust with your father over the past three years. I think he might react badly if he finds out later. I’d prefer to be upfront, even if it’s difficult.”

I can’t help but sigh. “But, we’ve already kept it from him, Cillian. I honestly don’t know why, at this point, it’s any of his business. I think it’s best if we gauge their reaction and if it goes well, we can suss it out from there. I don’t want to overwhelm them all at once, especially with everything my dad is going through.”

“I don’t agree.” Cillian squeezes my hands. “But, if you feel strongly, let’s roll with it.”

Stepping even closer, I wind my arms around his waist. “I understand why you’re skeptical.” I take his hand and place it on my heart. “But, I’ve talked with my therapist at length about this. Most children—let alone adult children—don’tfeel a duty to disclose private details of their sex life to their parents. When we first met, I was under so much of my dad’s control, I wasn’t acting rationally. Having time away where I learned how to take care of myself in a country I wasn’t familiar with has done wonders for my self-confidence. We’renotgoing to hide our relationship. We also don’t need to be compelled to explain ourselves. I love you. And, I don’t need—or care if I have—my dad’s approval to be in love with you.”

Cillian leans down and kisses me so tenderly it cements what I know. We’re in this together, no matter what. “You’re a wise woman, Ivy Bright. I’m glad we talked this out. They’re your parents. I’ll follow your lead.”

Our kiss deepens, sending a thrill through my entire body. I pull him closer, my fingers tangling in his hair. “Good,” I murmur between kisses, “because we don’t have much time before we’re supposed to meet my friends, and my pussy is very empty.”

“Poor little pussy.” He cups my ass and lifts me, and I lock my legs around his waist. “How long do we have to fill her?”

I nip his chin. “Ten minutes, fifteen tops.”

He whirls me around and sets me on the back of the couch and flips my skirt up. “Let me see what I cando.”

“Aaahhhh!“ I moan as he pulls my panties to the side and sucks my clit into his mouth. I buck beneath him, pulling on his hair as he worships me with his tongue.

“You taste like heaven.” He inserts two fingers inside me.

He kisses my inner thigh before resuming his feast and curling his fingers against the spot that always makes me shatter into a thousand pieces. Soon, I’m soaring. Floating away on a cloud of ecstasy.

“Mission accomplished,” Cillian purrs into my ear. “We even have a minute to spare.”

He helps me up and I straighten my clothes. I look in the mirror. It’s obvious I’m blissed out. “I’m flushed. My nipples are like bullets. They’re gonna know what we were doing.”

“Good.” He walks over to the burning candles and blows them out. “Let them.”

Hand in hand, we get into the elevator to meet my friends.

I feel like a million bucks. We tackled a tough topic, talked it through and worked it out. Cillian really listened, even though he disagreed with me.

And he made me come.

He shouldn’t worry though. Telling my parents will be fine.

Mom will, anyway.

As for Dad? Hopefully he’s changed. If I’m happy, he should support me.

And no one makes me happier than Cillian.



Two Weeks Later

Thirty-eight months.

As of today, the Bright Shipping headquarters job is officially my longest, and we have approximately six months to go.

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