Page 87 of Timeless: Encore

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I jump up and motion to the kitchen. “Fee always has delicious stuff in the fridge. Let’s go eat.”

“I have some soup I can heat up. Artisan bread.” Fee swipes the tears from her eyes. “I’d like us to have some time to decompress after all of that.”

I help Fiona pull together a bit of food surrounded by my mom, dad, Connor, and Ronni. As we eat, I’m shocked to learn about Connor and Ronni getting busy in our practice space at Carter’s house. Apparently, my mom caught them as they were leaving.

“So are we back together or what?” We’re in such a fantastic mood, I can’t hold back a minute longer. Ihaveto know what Connor thinks about how today went.

Connor sputters over his soup. Ronni thwacks him on the back. “Were you in the same room as me?”

“Uh, yeah. Ty’s back in. Jace is in too. Alex wasn’t feeling well, that was obvious.” I can’t help but throw up my hands. Did I misread what just happened?

Fee shoots me a look. “Don’t be ignorant, babe. It’s unbecoming. Alex was struggling because Zoey’s about ready to pop. She’s suffered an enormous loss. Jace isn’t going to be touring anytime soon.”

“Maybe we should just ask.” I’m not going to leave things to speculation. I’m just not.

Carter pipes up. “Do you need some time, Zane—“

“No.” I cut him off before slurping up a spoonful of soup. After our talk this morning, I’m pissed he’s butting into my band’s business. I’ll let him know how I feel, just not with Connor and Ronni here.

The air in the room gets crunchy. Goddammit. Can I not catch a fucking break?

“Do you all mind if I go pick up Mia?” Fee, who’s leaning against the counter, says. “She’s at my mom’s. I didn’t want her to hear any of this. We haven’t told her about Ty yet. But, it’s time for her to come home.”

I hold up my hand. “Can we please have a conversation about this, Fee? I’m trying to wrap my head around what happened today. We need to talk it out.”

“Fee, you know I’m mortified. I’m so sorry,” Carter interjects as he gets up from his seat and tries to hug her.

She’s having none of it and reopens the gaping wound I thought we stitched up this morning. “You should be. I can’t help but have sympathy for Ty. The way he grew up. You’re equally responsible, Carter, for what he endured. You know that, right?”

“Now, Fee…” Mom tries to intervene.

Fiona turns around so fast it makes my head spin. “No. Don’t make excuses for him, Lianne. You’re so confusing. You push Carter away. You—“

“Wait.” Connor, who has been sitting there the entire time, witnessing our family meltdown, speaks up. “Ronni and I are going to leave. This is family business.”

Jesus. It’s like the shit show that will never end.

Ronni and Connor pick up their stuff and are out the door like their asses are on fire, leaving the four of us on our own. Again.

Carter cries. Like really, really cries. Something I’ve never seen in my entire life. Fee looks at me and squeezes her eyes shut, visibly mortified at her own outburst. I pull her into my arms and kiss her head. Somehow comforted by the idea that my world might be in flux, but she and I will always have each other.

She’s fought for me every day of her life. Just like I’ve fought for her. Now it’s time to let the world around us settle, and we’ll deal with it. Together.

Everyone else can fight their own battles as far as I’m concerned.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see my mom take Carter’s hand and bring it to her lips. She sits next to him and brings his head to her chest, where he sobs. Her fingers thread through his hair. Stroke his shoulder. I can see her whisper to him, though I can’t hear what she says.

Eventually she looks up, directly at me. “Zane. Carter is your father. He loves you. He’s done his best. In my opinion, he’s done more than make up for the years he wasn’t there for you and then some. This man loves with his entire heart.” She kisses his temple. “Even when he makes mistakes, it’s never malicious. Never ill-intended. Maybe we should give the two of you some space until our emotions have all settled down. I am not going to put Carter in a position where his health is at risk. Not for one more minute. I nearly lost him. Life is too fucking short.”

Mic drop.

Fee and I can only stare slack-jawed as Lianne helps Carter up and ushers him out the front door. She kisses my cheek on the way out and caresses Fee’s arm. Then they’re gone.

As the car disappears down the drive, Fee looks over at me. Understanding passes between us. We managed to forget a lot of things we worked on in Arizona. It sucks.

Fee continues to keep her talons sharpened so she’s ready to deliver a fatal slash at any perceived slight. I’m the opposite. I file my talons down so I don’t inadvertently hurt—or drive away—the people I love. Equally destructive, just different..

Fiona is my other half and I’m hers. Flip sides of the coin in many ways.

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