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And now, this perfect little angel is undoing all the things I used to believe. She makes me want to think that someone could look at the beast that I am and love me. Perhaps even look beyond my massive body and scarred features and find something deep within me to admire.

She undoes me. With her words and actions… this girl wrecks me.

“Now you can’t run away Angel, or I might have to track you down,” I whisper into her hair. She snuggles deeper into my arms and I relax against her, enjoying the comfort.

I wait until Jean has fallen asleep to pull from our embrace. I walk to the bathroom and grab a wet towel, using it to clean up the evidence of our lovemaking on her body. I clean up as well and change into a fresh pair of boxers before joining her in bed. She breathes out a contented sigh and nuzzles my chest in her sleep, tugging at my heartstrings.

In this moment, I realize there is little I wouldn’t do for this girl. She is mine now and I will protect her with my life, forever.

Chapter Seven


I wake up to the smell of coffee. With my eyes closed, I sit upright and sniff the air to make sure what I’m smelling is indeed coffee, and yep, the sweet scent hits me immediately confirming that I’m not hallucinating. I push off the blankets excitedly and I’m about to follow the sweet smell when I realize I’m naked and the memory of last night hits me like a ton of bricks.

Shaw and I…

We had pussy. The mountain man took my virginity and no, he did not go all caveman style on me and tear everything off like I would have expected from a hardened man like. him. Instead, he was careful with me – gentle.

This complicates everything. I’m supposed to head down the mountain today. Shaw promised to take me back to my car or at least guide me to the main road where I can hitchhike for a ride to town and now…

“You think this man will let you off his mountain?” scoffs a voice at the back of my mind that I fight to shrug off. Even if Shaw doesn’t let me leave today, I can’t stay up here forever. He’ll have to let me go eventually, but maybe I can stay with the giant for an extra day.

Now you can’t run away Angel, or I might have to track you down.

The words right out of a horror movie, but they didn’t frighten me last night. They made me squirm in anticipation. Oh God, what is wrong with me?

He made me coffee. In the mountains.

We are miles away from civilization and the man made me coffee. Of course, I can stay for an additional day. I head to the bathroom where I find a new toothbrush set on the counter. My heartstrings tug painfully at the thoughtful giant even as I use the toothbrush before grabbing a quick shower. Once I’m done, I dip into his endless supply of flannel shirts and slip into one, loving how his scent clings to his clothes and in turn, to me.

I find Shaw in the kitchen grinding something in a mortar. Despite the many flannel shirts this man owns, he’s currently shirtless, but I’m not complaining. My eyes trace from his hairy chest down to the hard v-line that disappears into his low-hanging sweatpants, leaving nothing but the outline of the hard ridge of his manhood. Heat climbs up my throat and I force myself to look up. His long, dark hair is curtaining his eyes as he works and when he looks up and sees me, his hard eyes soften.

“Good morning,” he says in a deep, husky voice that sends my insides preening. “Did you sleep well?”

I’m still feeling the effects of that night on my body, but I don’t say that. I nod instead and step up to him, peeking into the mortar to see what he’s grinding. “What are you doing?”

“Grinding coffee beans,” he says, leaning down to brush his lips over mine and I open up for him immediately, tasting the toothpaste on his lips when they meet mine. What I assume was meant to be a simple morning kiss quickly turns into somethingheated and soon, I have my arms wrapped around his shoulders and our tongues are engaged in an erotic dance.

The spot between my legs is pulsing needily when we finally break apart. Christ, how am I going to live after I leave this mountain man behind?

No, don’t think about that now, Jean. Don’t ruin the moment.

“Do you have coffee beans stocked up?” I ask, drawing my hands from his shoulders and peeking into the mortar. He lifts the pestle so I can see inside.

“Yes, I grind them myself,” he says roughly, and I don’t dare look up, even when I can feel his eyes on me. “It’s one of the few things my brother brings to me on his visits. I tried planting them, but they were more challenging than the other crops.”

My eyes shoot to his. “What do you do if you have a sudden craving?”

“You would be surprised just how many things you can get in the forest,” he says with a smug smile, and I watch him place the mortar and pestle down before reaching for a cup of steaming coffee and handing it to me. “Here, try this.”

I lean down and take a sip of the dark beverage, expecting a bitter tangy taste and I am pleasantly surprised to find that it’s actually smooth and sweet, with hints of sourness. I take another sip and moan in relief from the hit of caffeine. “What did you use? It’s not bitter at all.”

“Honey and Lemon.”

“You stole honey from a bear?” I tease.

“Well, technically I would be stealing it from the bees, but it’s survival of the fittest up here and I happen to be smarter than most bears.”

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