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“Oh, those! Alena showed them to me when we went to the spa the other week.”

I continue: “They’re doing well and I have a couple of potential offers already. People flocked to these properties despite the price, Dad. In fact, I have three different offers for one of them, all within a similar number. Choosing the best one proved to be a challenge, but we have a buyer who will be closing with us in a couple of days, and on the most expensive place.”

“That’s good! Things are well with us, too.”

“So, retirement’s treating you okay, Dad?” I ask.

“Yes” is his single answer, immediately followed by Mom interjecting.

“So, when are you going to give us some grandkids, Robert, dear?” my mom interjects.

I hold the cup in my hands tighter. I’m afraid if I loosen it, I might drop it, especially after hearing what she just said.

“Mom, I thought we’d gone over this,” I mutter. This happens every single time that I come out here. The same old schtick and the same old questions. It’s getting tiresome.

“We’re just worried about you, son, and—”

“Dad, I don’t even have a girlfriend,” I state the obvious.

The room falls silent. My father clears his throat, and I wait for his next words.

I know exactly what this will be. It’s the same conversation we have every single time.

“You know Robert, there are a lot of great girls out there, and I’m sure you’ll meet someone.”

“Jenna Warden is single, maybe you two can—” Mom pops in.

“I told you both plenty of times that I’m not interested in dating. I don’t need anyone.”

That’s the truth. I hate dating. Women are vapid and, honestly, tiresome. Most of them don’t care about anyone besides themselves, further proving that it’s not worth it these days.

“Come on, Robert, you know that’s not true. There are a lot of great women out there.”

I sigh, trying to keep it together. As much as I wish I could believe them, I don’t. “I know you guys both mean well, but I’m not interested. I don’t need anyone. Won’t you please listen to me?”

“Come on, everyone needs someone,” my dad says. I shift my legs, crossing them as I look down.

They still don’t understand. They think that just because it happened a while ago, it means I can just get over it. But I can’t. The one time I opened my heart to someone, I got burnt and left at the altar.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t need anyone. I’ve built my wealth and managed to secure my future without the aid of someone else.”

That was true. Sure, my parents offered me a little bit when starting up, but ever since I grew this company, I haven’t relied on any outside partnerships besides those that are related to the company’s growth. I have yet to meet a woman who’s worth my time and contributes to my overall success. I tighten my grip on my legs as I try to find the right words.

Mom and Dad don’t say anything but instead stare at me. They’re waiting for my response. I look up, reaching for my tea to take a long sip. At least this will get my mind off the awkwardness that their words brought forth. I place the cup down, sighing as I look at them.

“Listen, I get it. I know you guys want to see me with someone, but I don’t think that’ll happen anytime soon.”

My mother scoffs and places her cup down. “Come on, Robert, it’s been seven years since Maria. Why don’t you—”

“Because I don’t want to, Mom,” I cut in curtly. “I don’t see the point of falling in love with someone, especially when they’re so quick to leave you at the altar, never to be heard from again.”

Mom doesn’t respond. There are no words for what she did. I gave my heart to Maria, and we were engaged for a while. It felt to me like she put all of her effort into our relationship.

Then, on the day of the wedding, she just left. I looked and looked for her but nothing. I called her, and my parents called her. Heck, even her own parents tried to look for her, but she got up and just plain disappeared.

I don’t know where she is now. Not that I care. I would never take a woman back who does me that dirty. Not if my life depended on it.

My father reaches out and gently touches my shoulder. “Robert, I know that you’re still upset about this, but there are better women out there.”

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