Page 70 of A Moment In Time

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“He’s a master. The sausage he uses in his gravy is superb.”

“So, you’ll eat it, then?”

“Hand it over.” He pushed the button on the remote which raised the head of his bed. It caused some pain in his ribs, and he held back a groan.

Sydney opened the box and handed it to him. “I’m glad you’re hungry.”

“I’m starving.”

She watched him eat for a moment, then said, “Who can come stay with you?”

He shrugged. “I just need someone to tell Corbyn they’ll stay with me.”


“I don’t need a babysitter.”

“You’ll get well much faster with someone helping you. If you have to get up to fix meals, or keep the fire going, you won’t be resting like you should.”

“Are you secretly working for Corbyn?”

“No. I just agree with him.”

“Hmm.” He pointed at the food with his fork. “This is great. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

He looked at her. “What are you thinking?”

“Who says I’m thinking anything?”

“I know you, Sydney. I know when you have something on your mind. What’s up?”

“I could stay with you.”

He cocked his head. “Why would you want to do that?”

She shook her head. “No hidden agenda. I can come get you after I close the office today and stay the weekend. We could even work on the paper from home, and I can help you field the calls from the concerned citizens of Calaway Crossing.”

“You know I don’t handle being less than optimal.”

“I know.”

“I’m not sure I can risk you being more unhappy with me than you already are.”

“I’m not unhappy with you. Like I said yesterday. If holding your hand is the most you can give me right now, I’ll take it.”

“I’ll agree on one condition. If it gets to the point where you want to strangle me, you promise to leave.”

She smiled. “I’ll leave before it gets to that point. If it got that far, I may very well go through with it.”

Gage laughed. “I believe you would.” He took another bite. “Have you tried this?”

“No. It looks good, though.”

“I’d give you a bite if…” He looked at his fork. “You know.”

“Yes. I know.” She opened the drawer on the table and dug around, coming up with a wrapped plastic spoon. “Will this do? Or will my germs still migrate to your food?”

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