Page 80 of Lost Paradise

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“Let's stay here a little longer before heading back to camp for the evening,” Foster suggests, playfully nipping at my shoulder. “I'm not ready to let you slip away just yet.”

Zane meets his gaze with a grin. "I'm up for another round if you're up for the challenge, Teach."

I feel Foster’s cock nudge my back with an excited twitch.

“Jones, let's see what you're made of,” Foster responds, his tone laced with sarcasm. "Your training begins now. Lesson one: restraint and discipline."

Even in the dim light, I catch the myriad of questions that flood Zane's expression.

“What does that entail?” he enquires.

“I'll take Eve, and you'll observe without participating," Foster explains firmly. "That means no joining in, not even a wank.”

Zane's disbelief is evident. “Are you fucking serious?”

“As serious as a daisy, Jones. Relinquish your hold on Eve.”

I can’t hold back the giggle that escapes me.

Zane turns to me, seeking solidarity. I casually shrug, trying to bite back the giggles that threaten to explode.

“He’s your instructor,” I remind him. “There is no way I’m getting involved in the decision-making of your Olympic training.”

Reluctantly, Zane withdraws, taking a seat at the edge of the lagoon.

“This is bullshit,” he mutters loudly. His face contorts with frustration, his brows knitting together in a deep frown.

“Now, Eve,” Foster pivots me to face him and pulls himself over me. “There's something I've been eager to try with you. Are you game?”

“I’ll try anything at least once with you,” I reply, watching his face light up with anticipation.

He rolls off me. “Move to your side, darling.”

I do as he asks and then lifts one of my legs, expertly positioning himself between them on his knees.

“This is called the pretzel dip,” he says and chuckles.

“I’m already liking it. Did you just make up the name?” I ask, feeling his dick enter me and hit deep. “Oh, holy shit! That feels fucking good!”

“Not really, but I’m glad you like it. I have a few more I’d like to try out,” he says with a wink and then turns to Zane, “Jones, I hope you’re taking notes.”

“Fuck you, Teach,” Zane says, his voice laced with frustration. His eyes narrow into slits, burning with a mix of annoyance and defiance. His jaw tightens, and a muscle ticks just below his cheekbone, accentuating his clenched teeth. His lips press into a thin line, barely containing the retort that slips out.

“Chin up, Jones,” Foster says, smirking. “Watch the master at work. I’ll be expecting you to demonstrate everything for me if Eve is up for it.”

I see Zane's face lighten up with hope, his eyes widening and the tension in his features easing. I turn to him and give him an assured grin, letting him know I'm more than happy to oblige. His shoulders relax, and a hint of a smile plays at the corners of his mouth, the frustration melting away.

Chapter 24

While Mr. Coldwell andthe other three have gone off on a mission to check how far this invisible border separates the island, I remained behind with Eve. Since she’s cut off the legs of her jeans, she has enough fabric to create a makeshift covering for Astro, who is still parading around like a barbaric, naked Neanderthal.

Even cavemen had some covering over their knobs, yet Astro walks around as if this is a naturists’ resort.

I can understand the guy was stripped of the only clothes he had on his back and that he wouldn’t want to wear someone else’s minging shorts, but he needs to respect Eve. Not that she’s complained, and even if three knobs are fucking her, she still steals glances at Astro’s.

We’ve all noticed her doing it. How can we not? She’s the only person in the entire group we focus our eyes on, after all.

I can’t figure out how much she loathes him or if there’s just a little bit of a flame she might carry for him. She was adamant about finding him last night, even though none of us were that enthusiastic about organizing a search party for him.

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