Page 23 of Lost Paradise

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“Well, then,” I say confidently. “Consider it a sign that you are to continue calling me as you were.”

“Bullshite,” Jack mutters, and I gaze at him crossly.

“You have something on your mind?”

“Yes. You’re not that much older than us.”

“Age isn’t what’s important, and I will oblige you to remember that, Mr. Bancroft. You were assigned as my responsibility.” He shakes his head in disagreement and sniggers.

“If you care to challenge me, Mr. Bancroft. Try it. But you won’t win. You’ll end up with your head hung in shame instead,” I say confidently. Jack might be as big and broad as me, but I possess enough fighting skill to take him down in two seconds flat.

Zane, on the other hand, might prove a challenge, but I’ve studied his competition clips. His instructor included them for his scholarship application. He is talented, for sure, but needs refinement. His moves are predictable.

“I think we’re fine,” Byron interrupts my stare-down with Jack.“I think we’ve established that we’ll refer to you as Sir.”

“I have no problem. Do you want to call me by my first name?” Zane says, “Everyone here does.”

I nod my head at him and look at the others who also agree with him. I glance at Jack, and he gives me a sarcastic grin and nods slightly before pulling backward. My gaze goes to the deep jungle ahead.

Here we are, surviving a plane crash, stranded on some island, and I’m arguing with a student about names.


This isn’t going to be an easy task.

“This isn’t good,” Byron says, and we turn to him, looking flustered. “I feel blind without my glasses. I lost them in the crash.”

“You can’t see?” Zane asks.

“I can, but it’s not very good. It’s mostly blurry,” He snatches Zane’s waving hand from his face. “Stop it, you minging idiot!” he shoves it away. “I’m not blind-blind!”

“Well, I think you’re a good-looking blind man,” Eve says as she lays on the ground.

“She’s probably still delirious,” Jack jokes.

“Where’s Astro?” she suddenly blurts out.


One is missing.

Out of the five students, I lost one. The guilt will consume me eventually.

“Lost,” Zane says before I can say anything. “I’m going to climb that tree and get us some coconuts,” he adds, smartly changing the topic. He goes to run forward, and I pull him back.

“No, you’re damn not! And that’s an order!”


We all turn to find Jack appearing holding two coconuts with their leaves still intact.

“That’s a sprouted coconut!” Byron exclaims as if anyone is supposed to know what that is other than it’s a coconut. “Where did you find them?” he goes over and takes one from him and stares at it as if it’s the holy grail.

"Found a bunch of them on the floor, over there,” he points at several by two trees in the distance.

“Coconut jackpot!” Zane says, going over to collect a few more.

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