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“We haven’t even seen it,” Haze mutters, voicing the concern shared by many of us.

"I agree, we should definitely preview it before it goes live," Asher adds, nodding in agreement.

"Also, isn't that a bit fast? How did they manage to put it together so quickly?" Eden questions, her curiosity piqued.

“There’s one other thing,” Jagger’s grinning ear to ear, and we’re waiting with anticipation. “They want us to make our debut entrance at a concert tonight.”

“What?” We’re all a little surprised and lost.

“"They want to buy the footage from the media outlet that caught us on film from the news helicopter," Jagger explains. "Then they'll use it at the concert.”

“What concert?” someone asks, voicing the question in all our minds.

“There's a concert tonight at the SoFi Stadium," Jagger reveals. "It's a big event organized in support of anti-human trafficking efforts. The organizers agreed to spin a story that Eden was kidnapped by traffickers, so they'll authorize the release of our music video as a stage backdrop. And our 'rescue' will be staged as we get lifted into a rescue helicopter.”

"So they want us to perform live tonight?" the disbelief among the group is intense.

"At the SoFi Stadium?" another doubtful voice chimes in.

"We haven't even practiced or done a sound check!" someone else points out.

“We might be able to get one before the doors open,” Jagger offers.

"Is the concert sold out?" another voice queries.

“Yup,” Jagger confirms with a nod.

“Bloody’ ell!” the exclamation sums up the shock circulating amongus.

“Yes. Tell them yes!” Eden interjects, her enthusiasm shining through.

"I figured you'd say that, so I already told them yes," Jagger admits with a grin, knowing Eden's eagerness all too well.

Chapter 46

A hushed anticipation hangsin the air as the arena throbs with the chants of thousands of screaming fans. The stage is bathed in an ethereal glow, standing a silent witness to our imminent resurrection as musicians and the birth of our career as rock stars.

We’ve been on this stage before, but not as Velocity Vortex, not with this new music or style, and not in over a decade. As I walk away from the stage viewing area, I hear the crowd's deafening roar to our band name called out in the line-up, signaling the end of our hiatus, one that had left a massive void in everyone's hearts.

Backstage, the atmosphere crackles with nervous energy. The rock band performing before us, clad in a fusion of vintage rebellion and contemporary cool, greats us and wishes us all the best. I exchange glances with my own band and silently laugh at our clothing.

The record label insisted we wear the same clothes from the rescue as if we’d just arrived from the canyon.

We’re wearing the same clothes we've been wearing since yesterday evening when Brittney arrived at the studio to collect Eden. None of us had much sleep, and I know we’re all ready to crash, but the adrenaline and our determination will get us through. That stage and those crowds are the fix we need to pump our veins with the energy we need to get through the one song we’ve been asked to play.

We walk back to the area where we’re supposed to hang out until our line-up is called.

Eden still has her shoulder bandaged, and we all look as if we’ve just returned from battle. Our single was released to the public twohours ago, and Haze’s face is plastered on his phone screen, checking the online insights.

Actually, our song fits the way we currently look. Maybe it’ll work.

“Alright, fellas, this is it for us.” I look each one in the eye, and excitement soars through them as their eyes flicker bright. “We’ve been through hell and back, but we need to put the last twenty-four hours behind us and march forward. We can do this.”

“We were born for this,” Haze confirms, pocketing his phone and joining us.

“And you, my darling?” My voice softens every time I refer to her.

“Like the fellas,” she grins at me, and I love how she uses a British word or phrase here and there. It’s cute.

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