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“Doesn’t it strike you as strange that you are being attacked from all sides, without being able to find out who it is? It is someone close to you, and they’re being protected.”

“Don’t!” he raises a hand to shut me up. But I don’t do well with people telling me what to do, I never have.

“Or what?” I challenge him.

He turns to me, his gaze fierce and aggressive. I feel an incredibly hostile energy coming towards me and I refuse to look away, finding myself shaking to the bone.

“You asked me to find out who killed your wife and I have! Now, you’re behaving like every other man I’ve ever met who hasn’t wanted to face the truth!”

He stares at me and his face changes from the sexy, handsome man I know, into something else, something dangerous. The very air around him seems to quiver with a destructive force that scares me. For the first time, I think he might actually hurt me. His anger is too much.

“Get out,” I snarl. “Go away!”

He lashes out, as if to punch a wall in anger, the mere force of the movement is enough to smash the wall and it crumples into a heap of dust.

“Lucca! Stop!”

My shout seems to have brought him back from wherever he was.

“Izzy,” he says, stunned. “I’m…I’m sorry…”

“No,” I say, firmly. “Leave, we’re done here. I have to be somewhere anyway.”

“Where are you going?” he asks, coming closer but I step away.

“None of your business. We’re done, I’ve completed the assignment, given you your proof, so I’ll be happy to receive my payment.”

“Wait, Izzy,” he calls out to me, his voice apologetic now but I’m not having any of it.

I nod at him, curtly, coldly and politely. “I bid you goodnight,” and with that I bow to him and turn away.

My heart is beating fast but I will not be spoken to in that way.

I don’t care who he thinks he is or how excellent he is in bed. The one thing I will never accept, is a man who tries to push me around. Fucking vampire king or not.

If that is the way he wants it, he can forget about it.

Right now.

As I will be doing.

I have much more important things to focus on.

As soon as he leaves, I gather my things and set off right away.

I had called around earlier in the day, trying to find out where Chakrat was and it wasn’t even that difficult to find him. Seems the fucker is out in the open now, helping to wreak mayhem in the West. A source told me of some house outside Ginnerlong and I travel all night to reach it. I want to hit it in the daylight, when he is weakest.

But I am not prepared for what I find as soon as I reach the mountains east of the West Mountains. The clouds are heavy with smoke, you can smell it in the air, the chaos and the destruction everywhere. The war is already here, you can tell. Cars block the road and burnt-out wrecks are scattered everywhere.

It is impossible to travel by road. In one of the smaller towns, I manage to find someone willing to sell me a horse, a crazy beast that will take me across the pass.

“You’re insane to go in there now,” says the horse’s owner. “There are vampires all over the place, they’re basically feeding on the people openly now. They’ll kill you.”

“Let them come,” I say grimly as I saddle the horse and get on it. The horse, a stallion going by the name of Strider, is nervous and bucks and kicks and I have to pull the reins tight and talk to it in a soothing voice. Then I dig in my heels and we fly through the night, taking back roads through the forest. I have memorized the map to get to the manor house outsideGinnerlong and a few miles away, I come to a huge blaze in the middle of the road. The horse refuses to continue and as I try to get the horse under control, I feel something fly towards me. Slashing towards it with a blade and catching the body as it is upon me. There is another coming at me and a third comes at me as well and I respond instinctively, throwing blades and slashing necks quickly, without thinking about it too much. I am so fast on my feet, more agile than ever before. It is Lucca’s blood, I realize, giving me more speed and dexterity.

When I leave the scene at the burning house, there are four dead vampires around me and the horse has bolted. I start running in a northern direction, with only one thing in my mind. Or one person. One vampire.

The one responsible for killing my father, for ruining my family and now, helping others to ruin the world. I will not sit by and wait for that to happen. If I die while this happens, so be it, but I am not cut out for sitting passively, waiting for shit to come my way. My mother is already leaving, I have no desire to be here if my entire family’s gone. What do I have to live for then anyway? My Guard’s promise of protecting the weak is not enough to keep me going.

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