Page 47 of On the Line

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“How are you feeling?” I whisper.

She’s silent for a few breaths. “Better,” she finally says.

“Good.” I kiss her warm cheek, her hair tickling my nose. “Better is good.”

I listen to her breathing soften into a dreamy cadence and I can hardly believe James is here, falling asleep in my arms. The sense of contentment that follows feels almost other-worldly in nature, and it stays with me until I, too, fall asleep.



The dip of the mattress wakes me up, and it takes me a second to remember that James slept over last night. My head pops up from my pillow. The vision of her sleep-mussed and so delectably sweet as she climbs back into bed has my heart pitching over a cliff.

“Morning,” she whispers.

I blink, silently taking her in. Her blue gaze is slightly coy, perfect pink lips pursed together. I can’t help myself. I grab her wrist and pull her down, my body half over hers as I bury my face in the crook of her neck. I’m instantly hard but try not to grind against her, desperately trying to keepsomelevel of decorum. She giggles loudly when I take in a large inhale, pressing kisses into her warm skin.

“Morning, sweetheart.” My lips continue to caress her throat. “Where did you go?”

“Just freshening up,” she says a little breathlessly.

Humming in acknowledgment, I give her one last kiss before rolling off her and jumping out of bed. “I should do the same.” I stretch my arms over my head. I’m definitely alittle hungover but it’s nothing I’m not used to. “Do you want coffee? Are you hungry? I can make you something.”

She watches me with a small smile, cheeks rosy as she pulls the covers up her chest, still wearing my shirt from last night. “I thought we could just …” Her gaze dips down to my boxers and lingers on my erection. “Stay in bed for a bit.”

I fall silent, studying her demeanor. I question if she meant what I think she meant but her loaded gaze is certainly speaking volumes. “Really?” Realizing I said that with way too much zeal, I clear my throat. “I mean yeah, we can stay in bed.” I point a thumb toward the door. “Be right back.” I act casual but as soon as I’m out of the bedroom, I dart into the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

Trying not to hyperventilate about having James in my bed, I lean my hands on the sink while I stare at myself in the mirror. “Ok, this is it,” I mutter out loud.

Well, maybe.

I don’t know.

Thismightbe it. The implications are there. Right? My shoulders sag and I let loose a large sigh, rolling my eyes at my own reflection. “You better not fuck this up,” I tell myself, pointing a finger at the mirror. Feeling ridiculous, I snap myself out of it. Hurriedly, I brush my teeth, pat some water into my messy curls, and run back into the bedroom.

James is on her phone but looks up at me, beaming like the morning sun, when I join her back in bed.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I say in awe, pulling her into a kiss. It’s slow and sweet, her lips perfect on mine. But before it gets too far, she pulls away and looks at me sheepishly.

Worried, I ask, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It’s just …” she trails off, looking down at my hand holding hers. “I’m just a little embarrassed about last night.” She looks back up at me. “This is supposed to be fun and casual and I made it … just too much, and I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry,” I rush to say, smoothing my hand over her arm. “There’s nothing to be sorry about.” But my mind is snagging on fun and casual. I chew on my lip, gathering my thoughts but end up just blurting out, “Fun and casual huh?” I try to sound nonchalant but instead sound like a sad puppy. I hide the cringe currently making my skin itch.

Jesus Christ.

“Well.” She straightens herself up, her eyes drifting shyly from me to the bed and back. “I just mean, that I’m fresh out of a three-year relationship, and you—well …” She laughs, her nerves obvious. “From what I hear, you’re not the relationship type. I think what I mean is that I just want to have some fun for once.” She gives me a noncommittal shrug of the shoulder. “We can be something like ...” She pauses. “Friends with benefits?”

I hide the sting of her words by cutting the tension with a playful laugh. But there’s nothing about what she just said that I find amusing. “Friends with benefits? Sounds like we’re in high school,” I say, hoping my tone sounds teasing, and not like how I feel inside.

Which is: Disappointed, pushed to the side, and maybe a little hurt.

And who the hell is she talking about me with?

She lets out a small huff, acting as if she’s offended, suppressing a smile and crossing her arms. “You know what I mean, Ozzy.”

I let her words stew in my head until I decide what to make of them. “Okay,” I say as I fling the covers off herbody, moving down so I’m kneeling in between her legs. Iffunis what she wants from me, then that’s exactly what I’ll give her.

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