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“It’s just me, silly,” Jenna said, a forced airiness and cheer in her voice. Anyone who didn’t know her might have been fooled, but not me.

“Where the hell are you?” I demanded, getting a hard pinch from Katie.

Jenna laughed shakily. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry for worrying everyone. I enjoyed the hike this morning so much, I got a little crazy and just kept going. My phone died, and I asked a nice stranger if I could use theirs so you wouldn’t freak out.”

“I’m freaking out, Jenna,” I said. What was up with this bizarre ruse? She had to be under duress. The thought of someone threatening her had my hands clenched into fists, ready to crack some heads.

Another fake laugh. “I lost track of time, that’s all. I think I must have walked ten miles; can you believe it?”

No. “Just tell me where you are,” I said.

“That’s why I’m calling. It’s so beautiful out here, and I thought we could have a nice dinner and picnic. Can you make up some story and meet me? This place I found is so romantic; it’s perfect for just you and me, so come alone.”

Katie was gripping my arm and furiously shaking her head, but I didn’t need her to tell me something was wrong. Aleks rolled his eyes and motioned for me to play along.

“I’m pretty busy,” I said, feeling the stilted quality in my voice at being forced to take part in whatever this was.

It was imperative that I didn’t come across like I cared. Someone was listening in to her end of the conversation, just as I had a small crowd gathered around me. They had to think I wasn’t ready to drop everything and fly to her side.

“Just tell me where you are, and I’ll send a driver for you. I don’t have time for this right now.”

There was a long silence, and I wasn’t sure how the six of us didn’t pass out from holding our breath while we waited for Jenna to swivel with whatever plan she was trying to play out. A moment later, another voice came on the line.

“You know how this ends if you don’t get your ass over here in a hurry,” Councilman Hardy threatened, ruining the effect he was going for by roughly clearing his throat. “Alone. And you better not tell anyone if you want to see your wife alive again.”

Nat had to step away, covering her mouth to stifle a laugh. I got the information I needed and ended the call.

“I’m so sorry,” Nat said. “It was mostly nerves, but holy crap, is that guy dumber than a stump?”

“He’s a fucking idiot,” I said, starting to pace.

Aleks joined in, berating the foolishness of the plan. “It’s no wonder he’s only ever gotten to be a council member at his age.”

Katie was the only one who remained serious while we blew off the steam that had been building while we waited. “He may be stupid, but that doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous,” she said tearfully. Her own fists were clenched, pressing into her big belly. “You don’t know how many people he has covering the place or what his plan is. If he senses something is off, he might do something rash.”

She paced in the opposite direction as me, wincing in pain as she actively started freaking out, demanding to go along with me, Max, and Aleks.

“Absolutely not,” Aleks said, trying to lead her to a chair.

Mila jumped up and ran out of the meeting room, returning a few moments later with a pitcher of ice water. Katie refused it, shoving her way out of the chair to try to appeal to me since Aleks wasn’t having it.

“I have to go, in case she’s hurt. I’ve been training in first aid, and CPR and—” she doubled over in pain, cutting off her frantic arguments.

“Oh hell no,” Aleks said, hurrying to her side and putting his arm around her. She leaned against him, clutching her side and breathing heavily. “You’re not going anywhere but up to your room and into a bed.”

“I’m fine,” she said through gritted teeth. “It was just the baby kicking. She’s as pissed off as I am right now.”

“Listen to me, love,” Aleks said, turning her chin up so she’d have to face him with her flashing eyes. “Think about the baby’s safety if you won’t think of yours.”

I stepped in front of them, taking her hand and helping Aleks get her moving toward her room. She gasped with renewed pain, dragging her heels the whole way, as determined as any mama bear when her young was at risk.

At the door of her suite, she slumped, frustrated tears forming in her eyes at the realization she was going to lose this battle.

“I’m going to get your sister back,” I solemnly promised. “Safe and sound.”

“You better,” she said, hitting me half-heartedly. “It’s your fault she’s in this mess.”

It was the truth and as painful as a knife to the gut. “I swear to you she’s coming back, and then you can beat the shit out of me along with Aleks.”

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