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Brooke and I nearly got in a jam, trying to get outside to check it out. Okay, my dreary mood was fast evaporating, especially as I envisioned plunging into that decadent pool. Even in December, the LA heat was heavy, a far cry from what I’d gotten used to up in the foggy north. We looked at each other in horror, because neither one of us had brought a swimming suit. Why would we? Luxuriating poolside at Christmas wasn’t something I had ever been used to.

Katie assured us we could get whatever we needed delivered, and a sense of strangeness enveloped me. Who was this person who acted so comfortable with all this wealth? Like she’d been born to this life.

We both had been rich at some point, but those days were so long ago to me, it was almost like a dream I barely remembered.

Brooke got the blue bedroom, and I was given the one next door. It was equally gorgeous but much more modern, with clean lines and relaxing, neutral beiges and whites. The only pops of color were the splashy oil paintings on the wall, which must have cost a fortune even though a kindergartener could have recreated them.

Once Brooke tucked herself away in her room to change out of her airplane clothes, Katie pulled me into another hug.

“I’m really sorry,” she said for the umpteenth time. “Please don’t be mad anymore.”

“Are you happy here?” I asked, pulling away to look at her eyes. She might have gotten away with her lies over the phone, but there was no way I wouldn’t see through any now. “That’s all I care about.”

“I am,” she said simply. Her eyes were clear. Radiant, really, and at that moment, she gasped and tugged my hand to her belly. “The baby’s kicking.”

Tears filled my eyes as I felt the tiny foot slam against my palm, then laughed at Katie’s grunt. “She’s going to be a kickboxer for sure,” I said.

The last bit of my resentment melted away. She was my sister, about to have my first niece. Aleks was treating her like aqueen, and only joy was in her eyes. Maybe a little bit of worry when she asked me how school was going.

“Great,” I said, inwardly cringing. “Nothing to worry about, anyway.”

“That’s good to hear. I was so scared you were overextending yourself again. Now, you don’t have to be concerned about money and getting everything done so fast. Just ease back and enjoy the experience.”

That was probably the best Christmas present I could have received, since, as usual, she somehow knew that I’d once again bit off more than I could chew. My first semester had been a total bust, and I’d had to make up half of those classes. I thought I’d gotten myself into a good routine and on a schedule I could stick to, but once again, I found myself desperately behind. If I didn’t shape up and fast, I was going to lose my scholarship.

That would surely disappoint Katie, and I was already pissed off at myself for my self-made predicament, but at least now we wouldn’t be suffering because of the loss. It would have been a severe financial burden to have to make up even more classes, and before everything changed, I’d have had to drop out if I lost my scholarship.

Now I could breathe, and that was because of Katie and Aleks. I’d been kind of a brat to him over the phone for stealing my sister from me, but he was treating me like I was already family, and I resolved to be nicer to him.

“Rest up a little if you want,” she said, backing out of my room with a peaceful smile. “There are some people here already, and it’s going to be packed later. Aleks has a big family, and I want you to meet everyone.”

“Oh great,” I said. “No pressure or anything.”

I was already going through the things I’d packed, trying to figure out what was going to be appropriate for a billionaire family’s holiday gathering. Evening gown? Cashmere sweater and leather riding boots? I didn’t have anything like that; it was just my college girl gear consisting of jeans and simple tops.

“No pressure at all,” Katie told me. “They’re all super nice and can’t wait to meet you since I yap about you nonstop.”

I rolled my eyes at her, and right before she left, she told me to look in the closet for an early present. Expecting a bathrobe or some kitschy pajamas, my mouth dropped open to find a completely new wardrobe. I walked in and held my arms out in the massive closet. There were even some fancy new undies tied up in a bow on top of a big center console with drawers and shoe racks. All told, there were six new dresses, four pairs of new jeans, a stack of t-shirts and blouses, a pair of strappy sandals, some buttery soft leather ankle boots, and adorable new sneakers.

I hurried out and swung open the door to find Katie waiting outside with a hopeful look on her face.

“It’s too much,” I said. “You don’t have to do that. I forgive you.” My eyes were filling up, and when she saw that, her own started leaking. “Oh, for gosh sake, don’t cry.”

“I’m pregnant; that’s all I do,” she said, grinning. “And it’s not too much, so you better enjoy all of it. I’ve been shopping like crazy for the baby, and I just added a few things for you, too.”

“A few things,” I muttered, shaking my head. She looked so delighted to be able to treat me that I gave in and said I’d wear it all happily. Well, maybe not all.

I pounded on Brooke’s door and dragged her over to my room, telling her to choose a few things from my treasure trove. Her mouth hung open much like mine did and after I toldher it was my Christmas present to her, she didn’t remind me I’d already gotten her a novelty mug from Alcatraz and started picking.

We both went down a little bit later, decked out in our new finery. If Katie noticed I had shared, she didn’t say anything, immediately wanting to show me off to her new family. We got Brooke set up out by the pool, where there was a lavish buffet set up, and then I met so many people there was no way I could have kept them all straight.

“How many siblings does Aleks have?” I asked, trying to remember if I just met another brother or a cousin who’d flown in from Moscow.

“He’s got five brothers and a younger sister, who should be around somewhere by now. She’s my age, kind of a surprise baby for his parents. You’ve only met three of the guys so far…” she trailed off, surveying the crowd with pride. “And you remember Nataliye, right? Aleks’s daughter who I went to school with? She should be here soon, too.”

Her eyes darkened with worry at the mention of her old friend.

“Is she still pissed at you?” I asked. If it had been a blow to me, it must have been like a wrecking ball to her. I couldn’t even imagine a similar scenario.

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