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“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, tilting my head.

He shakes his head, the line of his jaw going taut as he continues to scan the room. Such a shame he can't see the true threat is literally dangling off of his arm.

I look down between us where my arm is looped dutifully through his, my eyes snagging on the black jeweled ring he never removes on his pinky. No doubt some prize for being born amale heir to his father, or perhaps his mother who died shortly after giving birth to him.

The music and chatter quiets almost as if it was a timed event, the Collector sweeping into the room on the opposite side from where we stand, climbing up the dais and gesturing to all of his adoring subjects. There has to be more than two hundred of us in this room alone, but I'm not mad about the audience. It will be good for them all to see him perish.

“Thank you all for coming to tonight's esteemed event,” he says from his spot on the dais. He wears elaborate robes of red and black, all manner of jewels on every finger and around his neck and in his ears. He's dripping in wealth that could save half the continent and yet he's only wearing it as a show of power.

“As you all know, my council and I have decided that in response to recent threats against the crown and our noble cities—mostly from the Fae I allowed to live two decades ago—it’s time to push back with force. We’re hoping it won’t result in another bloody war, but if the pushback is enough, we won’t hesitate to enforce another Great Purge.”

Applause erupts around us, and bile climbs up my throat at the eagerness these people show for the destruction of innocent lives.

He quiets the crowd with a simple wave of his hand. “Our quest for apeacefulworld has been something I focused on for many decades now and we’re getting closer and closer to achieving that goal. New territories have come into the fold, offering their armies as support, and I would like to take this time to thank them for their generous donation of soldiers right now. Everyone please cheer for the soldiers of Spiderdowns and those of Caelfalls.”

More cheers erupt around me, and there are groups of people that bow in acceptance, clearly the representatives of the two territories he mentioned.

Territories I had no idea were supporting him.

We were already at a disadvantage because of the Collector’s power, along with his son’s and his Treasure’s. Not to mention the collector core and the donated armies from those who supported him, butthistips the scales a lot more than I’d anticipated.

I only hope killing the royal family will put us back on even ground again.

The crowd quiets as the Collector waves his hand again. “We are so very close,” he says. “My loyal subjects. It is your faith in me, my Treasure, and my son that help us create a better world. We all deserve to live on a continent that is free of fear. Fear of monsters prowling in the night with selfish motivations, ripping our young from their beds and using them as sacrifices in rituals that have long since been abolished. And I know what you may be thinking, that only tresses dabble in such magic and those were eradicated long ago. But that's not the case. The fae, sirens and the phoenixes use that kind of magic too, not to mention the sorcerers that have not come to heel at my side. They’ve all had two decades to show their allegiance to my cause. They haven’t. They must submit to my laws. Only when they do will we be able to usher in a reign of peace that will be unmatched for thousands of years. So, I thank you for your continued loyalty as we embark on this new chapter. It does not go unnoticed.”

The crowd erupts in applause, and the Collector signals to the bards to continue with their music as he descends into the crowd to mingle with his subjects.

“Close your mouth,” Gray whisper-hisses the command at me, and I immediately pick my jaw up from where it had dropped.

I'm trembling as I try to hold back the adrenaline, at the injustice in his words. At the way he framed cold-blooded murder as the price for peace. He’s the one who embodies fear inhis subjects, him and his Treasure and his son.They’rethe ones responsible for the terror throughout the land. Spouting lies and nourishing ignorance.

Fae, sirens, and phoenixes don’t use that kind of magic. Neither did the tresses, save for a few.

I breathe in deeply through my nose and out through my mouth, focusing on the physical act of following wherever Gray leads, finding a sense of calm and clarity by the time we've reached the dance floor, where dozens of pairs are whirling around it, all the what little magic I can use is tunneling through these damn silver bracelets.

Gray's puts a hand on my hip and the other in mine as he pushes us into a waltz, spinning us around the floor like we’re two normal attendees at the party. No doubt a display of howwellhis pet behaves. I’m tempted to stomp on his feet just for the fuck of it.

“So this is an occasion that calls for dancing?” I ask as he stiffly moves me around. I swear the male never lets down his guard, which is a real pain in the ass when I keep looking for a weak entry point. He's so damn tall I have to look up at him as we move around, but he's rigid. I never understand people who aren't affected by music the way I am, the melody practically turning my body to liquid.

But not here. I wouldnevergive them the satisfaction of seeing me lose myself in a dance the way I would if I was somewhere I felt safe.

“We’re about to be accosted again,” he says, his eyes doing their best to look anywhere but down at me.

“By one of your many admirers?” I ask. “Honestly, the last one looked perfect for you,” I say, and his eyes finally snap down to mine. “Why haven't you chosen a bride yet?”

“Why?” he snaps back. “Because it's myprincelyduty to do so? To marry a devoting female and pop out as many heirs as I can?” He almost sounds bitter.

“In between collecting different creatures as if they’re trinkets offered in some foreign market, yes, I thought that was the gist of being the prince of Lingate.”

He shakes his head, looking around the room once again, his jaw tight. “You know nothing,” he says.

“You're right,” I say. “I know nothing about what it is to beyou. To have all the wealth and power at your fingertips and use it to destroy cultures, destroy villages and hope. I actuallyhavea heart and a conscience.”

He parts his lips, finally looking down at me, his body vibrating with tension. “Livana,” he says my name for the first time, and something inside of me feels…familiar. Like I've dreamed this moment before. “You need to understand?—”

“My turn,” the Collector’s voice cuts off whatever Gray was about to say as he forces us to a halt, giving Gray a commanding look.

For a moment it looks like Gray might argue, and I silently urge them to, knowing it would be the perfect distraction to allow me to strike.

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