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Maybe the rum had loosened his tongue a littletoomuch, because sober Zac never would’ve admitted his infatuation. Not that it wasn’t written all over his face.

“Later,” King said, taking both our drinks and setting them with his. Then he grabbed our hands and pulled us toward him. “Dance with me.”

He didn’t have to ask me twice. The beat was infectious, and with the way his body was moving, I wanted to be all up on it.

King pushed one of his legs between my thighs, giving me something to ride as I rocked my hips, and Zac joined in on theother side, the three of us connected by wandering hands that pulled the others closer.

I’d always thought taking on two guys at once would be too much work and not enough reward, so I’d dismissed any idea of a threesome. But with King and Zac it was so easy. I wanted them both, and seeing them together was just as sexy as the two of them turning their attention on me.

Like now, for instance, the way we all just fit together. It shouldn’t work, and under any other circumstance, I was certain it wouldn’t. But here tonight, under the string lights and full of rum daiquiris, it was the perfect end to one of the best days I’d ever had.

“Where’d you go?” King asked by my ear.

“Absolutely nowhere.” I rubbed his arm, not about to admit anything I wouldn’t remember tomorrow. “And don’t think I didn’t notice what you did just now.”

“And what’s that?”

“You usedsexto distract us.”

King chuckled. “Did I?”

Zac swayed a little closer and nodded. “You did.”

“It’s only a distraction if it works.” King ran a hand down over my ass and gave it a light squeeze. “So, you two want to get out of here? Or you want to stay and talk about my family some more?”

Zac’s blown pupils said he was more than ready to get out of there, and if King wanted to use sex to distract us, we weren’t going to stop him.

“Lead the way, your royal highness, and we shall follow.”

King took our hands, and as he led us toward the dock, he smirked. “No more drinks for you.”



IT WAS EARLY Saturday morning when I woke to the unfamiliar sounds of soft, easy breathing beside me, and a leg thrown over the top of mine in a relaxed hold.

It’d been a long time since I’d woken up to anything other than an empty bed, but when the three of us returned from the main island, we’d naturally ended up here. We’d had every intention of continuing our evening but instead stripped down, climbed under the sheets, and promptly fell asleep.


In my bedroom.

In my bed.

I turned to look at the two beside me—East on his side, his leg the one keeping me in place, and behind him Zac, the big spoon to the little prince.

They looked so comfortable with one another, as if they’d been sleeping like this for years. But I knew this was as much a first for them as it was me. They were adamant in their refusal of their status being anything more than casual, had admitted to never spending a full night together—or, as East would say, “cuddling.”

You would never know that looking at them now. And if I didn’t know better, I never would have guessed they were nothing more than a hookup. Because the more time I spent around them, the more I realized that the only people truly oblivious to what was going on between them were the two involved.

It was sweet. Though East would likely rather die than admit it.

As quietly as I could, I carefully extricated myself from his hold, and when he shifted on the bed and snuggled into the pillow, Zac followed behind him. My chest tightened at the picture they made, so relaxed and peaceful in the cloud of white sheets. There was an innocence there, a purity that came from youth.

Not something I would have ever thought I’d associate with James Easton—until this very moment.

I envied them that. The lack of cynicism that came with age. Maybe then I wouldn’t find myself needing a moment to think, a moment to clear my head, a moment to remind myself that, come tomorrow, we’d be back in the real world, where all of this could no longer be.

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