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“Don’t say it,” I warned.

“—you’re roommates now. Fighting all the time will eventually get exhausting, and when it does, maybe you can find some common ground again.”

I narrowed my eyes, wishing they would shoot actual daggers. “I hate you.”

“Yeah, yeah. You’ll get over it.”

“And I’m not at all jealous you get to live with Daddy Filth.”

Preston’s lips quirked up on the side. “You are, but I get it. I pinch myself every day that he even looked in my direction.”

“Ugh. You’re too happy and ruining my bad mood. Go away.”

“I will. As soon as I see proof of life.”

“Proof of—” I rolled my eyes. “Gimme a break. If I’d gotten rid of Caleb’s ass, I would’ve bragged about it already.”

“And vice versa,” Caleb said as he walked out of his room carrying a cardboard box. He set it on the kitchen island before leaning his hip against it. “Found a couple of your things in the back of the closet.”

“Deep,deepin the closet, no doubt.” Preston shot him a wink that only months ago he never would’ve done. I’d been the only one who knew his long-term relationship with Archer’s daughter had only been for show, but now that he’d blasted himself out of the closet in an epic scandal, I guess the flirt inside his good-boy persona was finally making its way out. Or maybe it was my influence.

I liked to think it was the latter.

“See? He’s alive,” I said. “So you can go give your traitor spy report to whoever now.”

Caleb lifted a brow at Preston. “You’re here to spy? You Park Avenue Dicks are lame as hell, aren’t you?”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Preston said. “After all, you’re one of us again.”

As a choked sound came out of Caleb, I struggled not to lunge at Preston. “He isnotone of us. So stop rolling out the damn red carpet, Judas.”

Preston held his hands up and went over to grab his box off the island. As he hefted it into his arms, he grinned at Caleb. “I’d say good luck, but I think you’re gonna need more than that.”

“Yeah, more like a miracle,” he muttered.

“Trav? Walk me out?”

“Throw you out? Sure.” I pulled the door open for Preston and then followed him out to the hall. Without his key card, he needed mine to call for the elevator, and even though I was annoyed at him, at least it got me away from my new roommate for a breather.

“I know you don’t see it right now, but this is a good thing,” Preston said.

“Stop saying that.”

“It can’t get any worse.”

I snorted out a laugh. “Just remember, you did this.”

“Pretty sure your parents did this.”

“And you let them. The blood’s on your hands too.”

As the elevator door opened, he shuffled the box under one arm and squeezed my shoulder. “You two have some shit to work out, but then…”

I frowned. “But then what?”

A small, knowing smile curved Preston’s lips, and he shrugged as he stepped into the elevator.

“Hello? But then what?” I shouted, but he only kept smiling as the doors closed. “Fucker.”

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