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“You know what, Mom? I think that might be the first thing I agree with you on tonight.”

“Exactly,” she said, oblivious to what Travis really meant. But now I had something else to worry about on top of leaving my sanctuary behind. “This is going to work out, I can just feel it.”

I looked to my dad one last time as though he could save me from that scheming bitch fate, but just like always, she won out.

From the day Travis and I had met, it seemed our destinies were entwined. I’d done my best over the years to untangle myself from his web, only to find myself again ensnared in it,and the worst part about it all was our parents had no idea what they’d just done.



“YOU’RE BRAVE, SHOWING your face around here again,” I said as I pulled the door open to my ex-roommate—and almost ex-friend—Preston. It’d been a little over a week since Mom and Dick had dropped their little bomb on Caleb and me at dinner, and it’d taken me about that long to not want to murder Preston every time I looked at him.

And don’t even get me started on Archer—the true instigator of this whole mess. I couldn’t believe I’d ever had a crush on Daddy FILTH—Father I’d like to Fuck. He was dead to me now.

“And why are you knocking?” I stepped aside for Preston to walk in. “You still have your key card.”

He lifted his hand, and the card dangled from his fingers. “That’s why I’m here. I thought it was time to return it, since all my things are out now.”

“Gee, thanks for the reminder.” I snatched it off him and walked inside.

“No problem,” he said, chuckling. “I was also sent to make sure Caleb was still alive.”

My feet skidded to a stop as we entered the living room, and I spun on my traitorous friend. “Sent by who?”

Preston’s lips crooked up to one side and he shrugged. “Can’t tell you that.”

“You know, I don’t remember you being such a?—”

“Shit stirrer? Agitator? General pain in the ass?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“Let’s just look at it as payback. For the mature way you went about handling mine and Archer’s secret when we first got together.”

My mouth fell open. “Are you kidding right now? I didn’t tell a soul.”

“Oh, I know, but you sure had fun giving me shit about it. So I’m giving you a little taste of your own medicine.”

“By spying on me?”

“Exactly. I was the most obvious choice to find out how World War III was going. So the guys sent me in.”

“Feel free to tell them you found Caleb’s dismembered body in the bathroom.” Then I muttered, “Ass.”

“Aw, Trav. I’m gonna miss you.”

“You’re such a fucking liar.”

“I’m not. Who else would give me hell the way you do?”

I crossed my arms and tried not to look too put out. “I guess I could always call and start your day off right.”

Preston grinned and rounded the couch to wrap me in a bear hug that took me off guard. “You’d do the same, you know—move in with Archer if he asked—so really, you can’t blame me.”

I tried to wriggle out of his hold. “Stop making sense, you preppy shithead.”

His laugh vibrated through me, and he gave one last squeeze before letting go. “I think this’ll be a good thing for you. I know you’ve had your issues with Caleb, but?—”

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