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“This,” he said, tracing my lips and admiring his handiwork, “is how you should always look. Claimed and with a mouthful of my cum.”

“Yeah?” I grinned and started to agree when a deep, alarming groan came from our left.

We glanced over just in time to see one of the legs of the dining table give way, falling with a loud crash over several of Vera’s plates and leaving them in pieces.

We went completely still as the shock of our wild aftermath set in after being lost in a lust-filled fog.How in the holy hell…?

Travis’s brows knitted together as he cocked his head to the side. “What are the chances they notice before leaving town tomorrow?”

I snorted, and when he turned back to look at me, we both burst into fits of laughter that continued well into the night.



I DIDN’T KNOW how long I’d been awake, but it’d been long enough to memorize every inch of Caleb’s bare back as he lay curled up beside me. His head rested on my shoulder, one arm slung low across my stomach, and I didn’t think I’d ever felt so complete in my life. Caleb Reeves was in my arms. I was in his bed. Life was fucking perfect.

Resisting the urge to run my fingers through his hair or across all that delicious skin and risk waking him up, I restarted my count of the light smattering of freckles along his shoulder blades. I made it to fifty when he began to stir, but he only curled up on his side facing away from me, sliding his head off my shoulder and onto the pillow.

Feeling began to creep back into my arm, but I would’ve rather had him on top of me, cutting off all my circulation, than let him go.

Propping myself up on my elbow, I watched as his breathing evened back out, and then couldn’t stop myself from planting a light kiss on the curve of his neck. When he still didn’t move, I figured now would be a good time to head to the bathroom before he woke up and all these intimate feelings turned a little hotter.

I slipped out quietly, and when I finished up and stepped out of his en suite, he was still passed out. And so damn gorgeous.

God, you’re a sap. Whoareyou?

Someone who wanted to get back in that bed with the man of my dreams, that’s who. Someone who never prayed, but was doing it now in the hopes Caleb didn’t wake up and think this had all been a mistake.

No, I wasn’t going to even let that thought make its way into my brain. That wasn’t going to happen.

I started back toward the bed when my thigh hit the corner of his desk, hard. I bit back a curse as the table wobbled, several items on top of it clattering to the ground and his camera getting dangerously close. I managed to grab it before it fell, but the incident woke Caleb, and he shot up to a sitting position.

“Shit, sorry,” I said, setting the camera down carefully before picking up what had dropped on the floor. “Go back to bed.”

He rubbed at his eyes and squinted at me. “Are you okay?”

“Yup, all good.” I set notebooks and pens back on the table and then went to close a scrapbook that had fallen open, but stopped short when I saw the photos taped to the pages.“What the…?” I stared at the images for several heartbeats before flipping to the next page. Then the next. And the one after that.

“What’s wrong?” Caleb crawled to the edge of the bed, but when he saw the album I held, he waved me off. “No, just leave that one, it’s fine.”

But it was too late. My interest piqued, I scooped up the book that had fallen open and stared in complete and utter disbelief at what I found inside—me. There was photo after photo, some close up and some from afar, taken at different events, club openings, and a couple of random ones at school functions.

“Can I have that, please?” Caleb said, gesturing to the book.

“Oh, you mean this?” I held the album up and waggled my brows at him. “You can have it back…when you tell me what it is.”

After everything we’d done to each other in the last twenty-four hours, I would’ve thought it impossible for him to be embarrassed about anything with me. But as he stared at the scrapbook in my hand, his cheeks flushed pink.

“No? Want me to guess whatIthink it is?” I strolled toward the bed, well aware of just how naked I was when Caleb’s eyes trailed down to my waking cock. “The ultimate Travis McKinney fan club book. Property of top-paying member Caleb Reeves.”

The flush on his cheeks now spread down his neck. “Give it back.”

“I don’t think so. Not yet.” I flipped to another page, this one displaying an up-close shot of me at a charity event the Elysium held last year. I remembered arriving with the guys, walking the red carpet, seeing Caleb on the sidelines snapping photos, and at the last second, I’d flipped him off.

Thisphoto was taken right before that moment. I’d been making eyes at the press, playing with them the way I always did in the hopes of getting the best shot I could. I mean, if my face was going to be splashed around, I wanted to make sure I looked fuckinghot. But none of them had caught me like this.

Caleb had zeroed in from the side, capturing the sharp angles of my jaw, my hooded, smoky eyes, and my slick lips as I licked them. I looked hungry, aroused, and if I didn’t remember this exact moment, I would’ve sworn I was looking at him.

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