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Pushing off the wall, I kept my lips fastened to Travis’s, backing him up into the family room, careful not to run into and break anything else.

He ripped his mouth away.“Fuckingtouchme.”

I grabbed two handfuls of his ass and gave them a squeeze.

“Not there.”

“You’re right, not there.” I nodded toward the Persian rug we’d once fooled around on and smoothed my fingers across his ass cheeks to his hips, and then dipped to caress his heavy balls. He leaned into me, and I pressed a kiss against his shoulder. “Care to make a mess out of me on your mom’s rug?”

Travis’s eyes darkened as he followed my gaze, pupils so blown all I could see of the blue was a faint ring around the edges. He was as into this as I was.

Thank fuck.

He swallowed thickly and stilled my wandering hands. I didn’t understand why my heart was beating so fast all of a sudden, or why it felt like there was an electric current thrumming between us. But when Travis looked back at me, my chest tightened and warmed, and then he licked his lips and said, “I want you on your back.”

It didn’t occur to me to give a shit about the fact that he was now issuing commands. Didn’t matter. All I cared about was staying connected and watching him fall apart.

All the fuck over me.

I backed away and moved into position, lying flat on the plush rug as Travis sauntered over, massaging his cock with long strokes. It made my own dick stir, even after the insane release that should’ve tided me over for days.

But I didn’t touch myself, didn’t move as he dropped to his knees to straddle me, all the while fisting his cock, moving lazily as his eyes drank in the picture I made.

I wondered what was going through his head. If he was thinking back to the past, or making a new memory now to erase the old one.

He was so damn gorgeous in the moonlight, shadows crisscrossing his body, making tattoos across his skin where there were none and lighting up the ones he already had.

I reached up to flatten my hand over the tattoo he got on his chest after graduation, the laurel wreath with the Latin wordsVeni Vidi Viciinside.I came, I saw, I conquered.

It was an appropriate phrase right now, considering he was working himself over the top of me in the exact place we’d first kissed. Nothing in my life had been the same since that night. And I had a strong feeling nothing would be after tonight either.

Travis bent his head down to nip at my fingers, and just like that, he snapped out of wherever he’d been lost. That impish tilt to his lips was back, and so was the way he began to jerk his cock, rolling his hips over mine, batting my hands away when I tried to join in on the action.

He was teaching me a lesson. I knew it from the moment his thighs tightened on either side of me, caging me in so I couldn’t go anywhere.

So I couldn’t run away from him.

If he knew how badly I wanted to be right here in this moment, he wouldn’t worry. But he didn’t. So I kept my hands by my sides and urged him on with only my words, telling him how fucking sexy he was, how much I wanted him to explode all over me.

Dark hair fell across his forehead, sticking to his damp skin. Corded muscles in his neck and shoulders stretched tight, and with every pump of his dick, his abs contracted.

He was mesmerizing to watch, his skilled fingers reaching down to stroke along his perineum with one hand while the other gripped his impressive hard-on.

“Keep looking at me like that…” he said, his voice coming out like it’d been raked over gravel.

I waited for the threat that never came. “Or what?”

He shook his head as his thighs trembled against me. “Eyes on me.”

I couldn’t tear them away if I tried. Not when his movements became more jolting and uneven. And especially not when Travis lifted up on his knees and aimed his cock directly at my face.

“Oh fuck yes,” I breathed. “Do it.”

He kept his eyes on me as his lungs hitched, and then, in an ear-splitting shout, he blew apart spectacularly, his orgasm shooting out of him in jets of warm, sticky cum that coated my face and neck. It kept coming, all the edging we’d been doing since before we got here finally finding its release.

Without thinking, I reached for his thighs, kneading them as Travis drained himself dry all over me. I tongued the liquid coating my lips, humming in deep satisfaction.

Finally spent, he collapsed onto his elbows over me, panting against my mouth as he came down from the high.

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