Page 59 of German

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Hawk just coldly smiled and shrugged.“Rumor has it he disappeared from his rat-hole apartment a week after the fight.Can’t imagine what happened to him.”

Reaper chuckled and shared a meaningful look with his VP.“Missing?You don’t say?”

I smiled.Served that dick right that Hawk and Reaper paid him a late-night visit.Like Hammer, I was only disappointed I hadn’t been there to witness the cocksucker’s pitiful end.

“German, why don’t you have Maddy reach out to Kayla and see if Ghost has backed off since I sent a little message to the Watchmen,” Reaper suggested.“If he hasn’t, Ox will personally pay the man a visit just like somebody did good old Ace.”

That worked for me.“Will do, Prez.”

“Where’s the girl now?”Hawk inquired.My Brother missed nothing with those perceptive dark eyes of his.

I shifted in my seat, not wanting to have to explain why I’d put Maddy in my room when she could have just stayed in one of the spares.“She’s asleep upstairs.It was a long ride,” I stated ambiguously.

“On your bike or your dick?”Reaper teased, reading me like a fucking book.

I flipped the man off.“You’re an asshole.You know that?”

“Notice he didn’t deny it,” Reaper said with a gleam in his eye.“I hear she’s a redhead, too.Just like German likes ‘em.”

Hammer snorted.“I wish somebody had told me that.That fucker has seen me naked on more than one occasion!”

Everyone erupted into laughter as I sat there looking bored.“Are you ladies done with this joke yet?”I glared at Ox, believing he was the source of the leak.

“Don’t look at me,” he said, hands held high.“I haven’t said a word about the girl.”

“It’s been a long night.I’m turning in,” I told them, eager to get upstairs and check in on Maddy.

The guys laughed harder as I stood.Ox walked to the bar and brought over a bottle of whiskey.

Pouring me a tall glass, he said, “Well, if you’re not pussy whipped like most of these assholes, stay a while and have a drink.”

Not wanting to be away from Maddy, but realizing she was probably unconscious and would be for the foreseeable future, I sat back down and let Ox hand me the whiskey.



I awoke to the sound of the door slowly opening.Still in a dream state, I figured it was German coming to bed.

Snuggling deeper into the covers, I pulled them almost over my head because of how well the AC was working.Cocooned in sheets that smelled like German, the mattress gently depressed as someone climbed in.

Fingers, slight and with long, pointed nails, scraped along my blanket-covered arm.That woke me up!Shouting, I jumped out of bed and whipped around to see who was in bed with me.

A blonde woman with a platinum bob blinked back at me, every inch as shocked as I was to see her.“What the fuck are you doing in German’s bed!”she shouted, like I was the one who hadn’t been invited.

Or maybe she had?Was this German’s girlfriend?Oh God!I really should have had a conversation with him about that.I mean, I’d meant to.I really had.But I wasn’t sure how he felt about me, and then I was pretending to be Lexi.After which, we’d been having so much fun with the Raiders, I hadn’t wanted to address it.And then I was attacked and we were speeding down the highway toward the safety of the Devils’ compound.It was all just a bit overwhelming.Especially when you’re awoken in the middle of the night with a nearly naked woman trying to get to second base with you!

There was no denying it though.She just had to be his girlfriend.German had locked the door when he’d left and the blonde had a key to get in.I’d distinctly heard the snick of the lock when she’d entered.But, most damning of all, she’d confidently climbed naked into his bed.There was no doubt in my mind she was used to sleeping here.I felt so stupid.So unbelievably naive to believe I’d meant anything to the gorgeous, worldly biker other than a quick lay while he was on the clock.Hating myself for my monumental fuck-up, I sat there.Mute and filled with self-loathing.

I know it shouldn’t matter, but the woman wasn’t ugly.She was beautiful, in a hard sort of way.Blonde hair.Thin to the point of skinny.Flashy makeup.Obvious boob job.Basically, she was everything I wasn’t.The human equivalent of biker porn come to life.Men, I’m sure, routinely threw themselves at this woman’s feet.And by the confidence oozing from her now, she knew it, too.

“Are you retarded?”the blonde angrily hissed.“I said, Who.The fuck.Are you?”

Tugging my T-shirt a little further down my legs, I began to quiver.“I’m…” What the fuck could I say?His friend?Hardly.His boss?Gross!His girlfriend?Obviously not.Unable to finish the statement, I kind of just stood there looking flustered.

“His what?”the blonde angrily prompted.“His long lost sister I’ve never fucking heard of?”

Before I could answer, the door swung open and German was standing there.His eyes took me in first, standing in a T-shirt that barely covered my ass.They landed on the blonde next, perched in his bed, looking ready to go to war.

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