Page 41 of German

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German hesitated before begrudgingly stating, “Lexi.”

Beaming up at him, I felt his arms tighten in retaliation for my perverse joy over him being forced to use my alias.

“She public pussy or your Old Lady?”he bluntly stated, clearly hoping I was up for the taking.

Mouse my ass!More like wolf!The man was downright predatory by the way he was staring and adjusting the crotch of his jeans as he awaited a response.

“She ain’t public pussy,” German emphatically stated.

“I like her hair,” Mouse said, giving me the creeps.“That natural, Babe?”he pressed, despite German already telling him I was taken.

All eyes were suddenly on me then, and my throat became as dry as the Sahara.“Um, yes,” I stated, feeling like the teacher had called on me in science class and I hadn’t heard the question because I’d been daydreaming.“My grandmother on my father’s side was from Ireland and?—”

Before I could finish, German pinched my ass to tell me to shut up.Glaring at him, I took another sip of my beer to quell the burn there.

“Don’t mind, Mouse,” Slade said then.“The boy’s a little rough around the edges, but he can take and throw a punch unlike anyone else I know.”

Maybe that was because good old Mouse had taken one too many hits to the head in his troubled childhood!His empty expression, and emptier eyes, gave me the willies.

“Why don’t you come inside and take a look around the compound, German,” Slade invited then.“Bring your girl.She can meet some of the Old Ladies.They’re going to join us in a bit.”

Slade led the way back to the compound as we all tagged along.Once inside, I saw the party was raging inside the Clubhouse as well.In fact, as we passed one room, it looked like a dang orgy!Two blondes were topless and performing a dual blowjob on a guy who was being cheered on by his friends.

Blushing despite myself, my eyes quickly averted from the debaucherous scene out of fear of witnessing something I’d never be able to unsee.Nestling closer to German, he hugged me tighter to his chest when he sensed my discomfort.

Slade took us to a den where a few bodyguards wearing visible Prospect patches were standing outside.When they saw their President approach, the men stepped aside and our group entered the room.

Slade took a seat on one of the leather couches and motioned to the others.“We can talk in here without being interrupted.”

The rest of the men sat down and German chose the single lounge nearest the door.As I pondered where the hell I was supposed to sit, he pulled me into his lap and I melted instinctively against him.

“You want something stronger than beer?”Smoke, the Club VP asked, as he walked around the bar to pour himself a stiffer drink from an expensive-looking decanter.

“I’m good for now,” German answered, his hand caressing my bare thigh.

The beer was starting to hit my bloodstream and I was feeling good.Leaning against his chest, I reveled in his warm embrace with all the shame of an entitled house cat.When German’s hand slid up my thigh and grazed my hip, I practically purred like one too.

The men began to talk in code then about things I assumed were questionably legal.Tuning out the whole conversation, I simply enjoyed the feel of German’s hands on me, as he petted and stroked my exposed skin.

Beneath my skirt, I could feel German’s cock thickening the more he stroked.Wanting to tease him a bit, I wiggled on his lap, managing to work my skirt up in the back so my bare skin was against his coarse jeans.

Catching onto my game, German retaliated and began to stroke my inner thigh.With each brush of his rough fingertips, I grew hotter, more needy, and wetter between my legs.

As the men talked, women constantly streamed by and dropped off drinks.However, I could see Mouse’s dark stare never wavered away from me.His gaze followed German’s hand, watching it like he was envisioning it was his own.

Trying to ignore the man, I sipped my beer and turned my head toward the conversation unfolding between the Raider’s VP, Smoke, and German.

Soon, another drink girl arrived.This one carried a tray of something other than beer.A pile of pristine white powder was set on the table.The men in the room didn’t hesitate.They immediately began to take turns cutting lines and snorting them up their noses.

“Help yourself,” Smoke offered, leaning forward to chop a neat line before snorting it up his nose.

German shrugged.“Maybe later.I’m good for now.”

Slade abstained as well, I noticed.But not Mouse.The man went to fucking town on that shit!I’d partied with rich kids my whole life.Drugs weren’t something new to me, though I’d been too frightened to do anything more than weed throughout my adolescence.But God damn, Mouse did two lines to everyone else’s one, which started to make me nervous.Especially since he never seemed to look away from me the more fucked up he became.

“It’s our own special blend,” Dozer said with a smile.“Packs one hell of a kick and lasts for hours.”

I was assuming when the men had been discussing “fruits” and “vegetables” earlier, they were actually referencing Coke and various other drugs.Some people might be scandalized about that.But again, I’d be lying if I said I was.Most of the kids I grew up with had been experimenting with drugs since middle school.Weed.Ritalin.Coke.Oxy.You name it, they’d tried it.I’d been on the other side of this equation a hundred times.Seeing this end of the distribution system, though scary, wasn’t as shocking as if I’d been raised somewhere less affluent.

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