Page 33 of German

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German eyed me suspiciously then.“You aren’t going to pester me for details?”

I shrugged.“What for?You said you were going to fix it and I believe you.We haven’t known each other long, German, but I trust you.When you say you’re going to do something, you do it.That means a lot to me.”

Our eyes locked and we shared a moment of perfect understanding.Wanting to reach out and take his hand in mine, I suppressed my inner romantic and checked my watch instead.I was cutting it close for my meeting with my advisor.If I missed it, I knew it would be nearly impossible to drag German back to campus for another one.



“I trust you.”

Those words kept playing and replaying in my mind as I sat in the waiting room while Maddy met with her college advisor.If I hadn’t already had a hard-on for this beautiful girl, that statement would have been enough to get one.

Besides my Brothers, I wasn’t used to people putting so much faith in me.The leather and the bike usually inspired one of two things: fear or lust.Not trust.But, like in all things, Maddy was different.She trusted me.Without qualifiers.Without explanations.She just trusted me.Fuck!Those were the magic words to a guy like me.

As I was considering what to do next about my growing obsession with the redhead, I got a phone call from my Brother Ox.Since I’d already garnered enough attention dressed the way I was in the campus waiting room, I got up and stepped out into the hallway to privately take the call.

“Ox,” I answered, “what’s up?”

“Just spoke to Reaper,” my Brother said.“Heard you’ve been having some trouble with the Watchmen.”

“Not me,” I explained.“One of Maddy’s friends.”

“That’s the chick you’re helping, right?”Ox checked.

I nodded, though the gesture was lost over the phone.“Yeah.She works in town and one of those assholes won’t leave her alone.His name’s Ghost.She thinks he’s their Club’s Road Master.You ever heard of him?”

Ox was quiet for a moment.“I have.”

Those two words told me everything I needed to know about the biker.“That bad, huh?”

“It ain’t good, Brother.He’s new to the Watchmen.Pledged a few months back.Came out of nowhere, but he’s making a lot of waves fast in the community.”

That explains why I hadn’t heard of him before.“Kayla says no matter how many times she tells the guy to piss off, he won’t leave her alone.She was even afraid of me when we first met because she thought I might belong to the same Club.”

Ox barked a laugh.“She sounds like a smart girl, staying away from you and the Watchmen!”

“Eat shit, peckerhead,” I told him, though I laughed right along with him.“What does Reaper want to do about it?”

“What’s the status of your current situation?”Ox asked.“You got that shit with Framingham’s daughter wrapped up or do you need someone else to follow up with this Ghost issue?”

I was nowhere near done with Maddy’s detail.And the very thought of moving on to something else made my chest seize painfully.“I’m still tied up on this assignment,” I told my Brother.“You up for a ride to check in on the girl?”

“I got to finish up something else for the Club first, but if Ghost doesn’t back off, I’d definitely be up for a ride.”

I didn’t care how tough Ghost was.He was fucking with the wrong man if he didn’t listen to my Prez to back the hell off of Kayla.Especially if Ox had to get involved.The man was the toughest motherfucker I knew.Our Club Enforcer was the size of a goddamned giant.And he took it personally whenever a man mistreated the fairer sex.I’d once seen him beat a guy’s ass for getting in a woman’s face when she didn’t want to accept his drink offer.I could only imagine what he’d do to a guy trying to force himself on a sweet girl like Kayla.I almost felt sorry for this guy, Ghost.Almost.

“Roger that.”Peeking back inside the waiting room, I saw that Maddy still wasn’t done with her meeting.“Anything else going on at the Club I should know about?”

“Pipe was there when I talked to Reaper and he wanted to let you know you should check your email.He sent you some information about some guy you had him look into.”

That must be Ken Mitchem.“Thanks.I’ll get right on that.Since everything has been quiet so far, I haven’t had much to go on with this case.”

“Sounds boring,” Ox said.

Being with Maddy was anything but boring, but I wasn’t going to tell Ox that.“This house has a pool, a gym, and a live-in maid.I’m not complaining.”

“You banging the maid?”Ox asked then.

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