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My head jerked up.“What does that mean?”

Chuckling, Nathan gave me a look that said he knew I was playing dumb.“Come on, Maddy!I know how hot you were for me back in high school.It’s common sense.Nobody lets somebody copy off their tests for an entire year of English Lit without wanting to bone them.”

Charming.This wasn’t exactly the way I had envisioned telling Nathan about my years of crushing on him.It was more like a fucking nightmare than anything.

“Okay,” I said weakly, not wanting to fight so close to the ledge, “you got me.It’s true.I had a crush on you in high school.Now can we get back to the car and you take me home?”

Smugly puffing out his chest, the man wrapped his arms around my back and forced me closer.Like I hadn’t just begged to leave his presence, he smirked down into my nauseated face.“So now that you finally have me, Maddy, what do you want to do with me?”

The mental image of pitching him over this ledge came to mind.Deciding that might be a tad of an overreaction, I pushed against his chest instead.“I don’t want to do anything with you, Nathan.I just want to go home.”

His face stormed over faster than a tropical squall.“What?You think you’re too good for me now?”

I could see that I’d hit a nerve.“No,” I tentatively began, trying to pull out of his tentacle-like grasp.But his arms were surprisingly strong for someone who consumed nothing but salads on a daily basis.“I’m just a little car sick is all.”

Nathan searched my face for any signs of deception.Satisfied that it couldn’t behimthat was the problem, he said, “Well, I’m sure some fresh air will help.”Reaching into his pocket then, he pulled out a flask.“And this.Good ol’ flasky.It’ll be just like the old days, Maddy.Remember?We used to sneak up here to drink, fuck, and blaze up whenever we got the chance.God, I miss those days.”

Perhaps that was the problem.I wasn’t one of the gang he used to pal around with back in the day.And, as lit as he must have been, he didn’t even realize I’d never done any of that shit with him.Sadly, young me would have jumped at the opportunity to go anywhere, do anything, with this washed-up jock.But the woman I was now was so much wiser.She was disgusted by the very idea of letting him touch so much as a hair on her head, let alone anywhere else, and she couldn’t imagine anything more degrading than spending another moment in his unworthy presence.

“I think I’m going to hold off on “flasky” for right now,” I said, trying to keep the disgust out of my voice.

“Suit yourself,” Nathan retorted, upending the silver container as he took a long pull.When he was done drinking, he glanced down at me and began to slowly smile.“So how big was your crush on me in high school?”

I was no longer embarrassed for myself.I was embarrassed for him.I mean, who behaves like this when they find out somebody likes them?If dinner hadn’t been enough of a turn-off, Nathan’s conceited self-fixation was enough to kill any desire I might have had left for the man.

“I don’t know,” I returned with irritation.“It was just a crush.We’ve all had them, right?”

Not satisfied with my lackluster answer, Nathan grabbed my hair and yanked it so aggressively my eyes were forced to meet his.“That’s not what Natalie said.She said you used to fantasize about me all the time.That you even had a wet dream about me once.”

Note to self: Never talk to Natalie again.While it was true I’d had a rather pleasant dream of Nathan in my formative years which ended in me climaxing in my sleep, I wasn’t pleased my “friend” had told my crush about it.I’d confessed it to her when I’d been really drunk at a club one night and I saw a guy that looked like Nathan.Right about now, I regretted that loose-lipped moment more than the perm I’d gotten in the second grade.And that was saying something.That goddamned perm had earned me the nickname carrot top all through elementary school!

“Listen, Nathan, I think we both had too much to drink at dinner tonight,” I said, trying to change the subject.“Why don’t I call an Uber so it can take us both home?You can pick your car up in the morning.”

Nathan scoffed.“I’m not leaving my new fucking Ferrari here!Are you insane?That’s a three-hundred and fifty thousand dollar car!”

“Okay, well, I’m going to call for an Uber then,” I told him, done with trying to be nice.It wasn’t working and he didn’t deserve it.

“Sure,” he agreed, “after you blow me first.”

Shocked, my eyes rounded to saucers.“What?”

“You heard me,” Nathan replied, trying to force me onto my knees by adding pressure to my shoulders.“I didn’t take you out to dinner so we could catch up on old times, Maddy.I took you out so you could show me how much you liked me.Now show me!”he arrogantly demanded.

“You’re disgusting!”I spat, shoving him hard.

The momentum made me stumble backward far too close to the edge for my liking.My heart began to hammer in my chest and my vision started to blur from the near catastrophe.

“Don’t be a prude!”Nathan seathed, unzipping his well-pressed chinos.“It’s just a blow job for Christ's sake!I know you’ve given them before.What’s the big fucking deal?”

Having heard way too many horror stories that started just like this one, I did what the inner voice in my head was screaming for me to do.As soon as he pulled his flaccid dick out of his pants and gave it a few uninspired tugs, I bolted toward the treeline.

“Maddy!Get back here!”Nathan shouted, giving chase as soon as he’d tucked himself back into his boxer briefs.

No fucking way!I was going to hide in the woods all night if I had to.I knew if he got close enough, Nathan and his tiny dick, and tinier ego, were going to make me pay for defying him.

My breath roared in my ears as I disappeared into the trees that were just beyond the road that led to Anderson Peak.Unfortunately, I was wearing heels and a short dress that didn’t cover my very vulnerable flesh.Branches whipped by me, cutting into my exposed skin.Immediately, I became covered in scratches and tiny rivulets of blood trickled down my arms and legs.

My heels sunk into the ground with each step and it felt like I was running in a dream.Slow and unproductive, I made only a fourth of the progress I would have in sneakers.As a result, I didn’t get far before Nathan caught up with me.Those strong arms that I’d fantasized about during English class weren’t so welcome now.Fisting my hair, Nathan shoved me up against a tree and brought his mouth an inch from mine.

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