Page 20 of German

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Starting to get nervous, I said, “We aren’t?”Checking the rearview mirror, I saw a single headlight and relaxed when I realized German was directly behind us and I was safe.

“I have a surprise,” he explained, his blue eyes lighting up with more excitement than I’d glimpsed all night.

Trying not to sound panicked, as Nathan wasn’t a serial killer, he was my date, I donned a false smile.“A surprise?What’s that?”

Nathan laughed.“If I told you what it was, it wouldn’t be a surprise.Would it?”

German was going to be furious!I’d promised him I’d go right home after dinner and that’s what I’d intended on doing.Only now, here Nathan was, Mr.Plain Green Salad guy, getting spontaneous on me.Figures!

Calming myself, I tried to take back control of the situation.“I don’t really like surprises.”

Dismissing my words, Nathan shifted his Ferrari into a higher gear and kicked up the speed.“Nonsense.Everyone likes surprises.”

Starting to sweat, I glanced in the rearview mirror again.German was keeping up, but we were in a luxury vehicle that could top out at nearly two hundred miles per hour.I don’t care who was driving.A motorcycle would never be able to keep up with that kind of speed.

I tried another angle then.“How about a tiny hint?”

Grinning like the Cheshire cat, Nathan’s hand returned to my leg.Only this time, it wasn’t my knee.It was higher up on my thigh.“You remember Anderson Peak, don’t you, Maddy?”

Anderson Peak was a popular makeout spot in high school.Not sure why Nathan would be taking me there, as I’d neither given him the impression that I was horny or nostalgic, my mouth just kind of hung open.“Yes, I remember it.”

“I wanted to show you something there,” he informed me, accelerating the car to over eighty miles an hour now.“Shit!”he angrily exclaimed.“What’s this guy’s deal behind me?The faster I go, the faster he goes.Why doesn’t he just drive around me already?”

Wanting to text German to tell him to slow down and not get into an accident, I knew it was pointless.At eighty miles an hour, he wasn’t checking his phone for texts.Plus, he was stubborn as hell.He wouldn’t listen to me just because I told him to stop.The way Nathan was acting, he’d think the idiot was trying to kidnap me!Doing what he’d been paid to do as my bodyguard, German would continue to chase us.He’d have no idea that the foolish man-child who was my date believed he was wooing me with this trip down memory lane.

The road got windier then and Nathan was forced to slow down.I started to relax, until he unexpectedly cut the wheel, turning onto a side road just before a procession of cars passed us on the left.

German sped by us then and Nathan cackled.“Serves the douchebag right!I hope one of those truckers flattened his stupid ass!”

My eyes bulged and I thought I was going to be sick.Not only had Nathan put German’s life at risk, but he’d also come close to getting the both of us into an accident in an attempt to shake the trailing biker.

“I want to go home,” I declared into the silence, my heart pounding a million miles an hour.

Nathan glanced at the clock on his dash.“It’s only nine-thirty, Maddy.What are you, ninety?Plus, I have to show you your surprise.This whole night has been leading up to it.”

I didn’t want his fucking surprise.I wanted to make sure German was okay and to go home.That’s it.

My voice sounded small and pathetic even to me when I said, “Please, Nathan.I don’t feel well.Can’t we do this another time?”

Furrowing his brow, my date glanced in my direction with concern.Only, not for my well-being, but for that of his precious car.“You’re not going to be sick, are you?This is Italian leather, Maddy.Stick your head out the window if you feel the need to hurl.”

Taking a series of quick turns, I began to recognize where we were.Climbing a steep hill, we were just around the corner from Anderson Peak.Nathan must have known a back way here, as I’d never gone this particular route before.But I guess that spoke to how many times he’d been up here over the years.I’d only gone once with my first boyfriend.When I’d refused to go all the way with him, he’d promptly dumped me for someone who would.To say I wasn’t particularly fond of this place, especially after tonight, was the understatement of the year.

Parking the car, Nathan unbuckled his seatbelt and flashed a stunningly white smile at me.“Come on.This place is great.We’re going to have so much fun tonight.You’ll see.”

Desperate to be out of the car, I threw open my door and dragged in a lung full of fresh air.Fighting the urge to place my head between my knees and breathe deeply, I stood on shaky legs and looked cautiously around.

“Come on,” Nathan urged, grabbing me by the hand and dragging me toward the ledge.

From this vantage point, we could see half the city.Twinkling lights worked in tandem with the stars to create enough luminescence to guide the way.It was beautiful.Stunning even.But, suddenly feeling dizzy, I dug in my heels.I didn’t like heights.Never had.I liked them even less when I was sick to my stomach and being dragged over to them by a madman who’d nearly killed me only minutes before.

“Nathan please!”I protested.“I don’t like heights.I can’t get this close to the edge.”

Tossing his arm around my shoulder, Nathan grinned.“Don’t worry, Maddy.I’ll protect you.”

I didn’t want to be protected by him.I wanted to be protected from him!“It’s nice,” I gritted through my teeth in an attempt to pacify him.“But now I want to go home.”

“Not yet.I want to spend some time up here with you.Just like you always wanted in high school,” he added, with a wink.

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