Page 18 of German

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“So the cops are still sniffing around?”

“Yup, though the douchebag is keeping a low profile now that I’m in the picture.”

Pipe laughed.“I’m sure that would give anyone pause, Brother.Still, I don’t think whoever did this has given up on their plans of abduction.My money says they’ll try again the first opportunity they get.”

That was also my guess.“I’ll just have to make sure I don’t give them an opportunity then.”

“I’m sure you won’t,” Pipe said.“How’s the girl to work with?Is she giving you any trouble?”

Not sure how to even qualify my relationship with Maddy, I let the phone go silent for a few seconds.“She’s not half bad.Sure, she’s spoiled and has everything she wants, but she isn’t a brat.”At least, not in a bad way, I thought to myself.

Pipe sounded amused when he said, “I see.”

Miffed, I asked, “What does that mean?”

“Nothing,” Pipe sagely returned, but I could still hear the smile in his voice.“Did you get the girl’s phone so I could run some diagnostics on it?”

Damn it!I’d meant to do that when we’d gotten home from Maddy’s volunteer work this morning, but it stupidly slipped my mind after I’d seen her in that short, silky robe.“I’ll get it today, along with her list of enemies.”

“Sounds good,” Pipe said.“Why don’t you drop it by the Clubhouse when you have a chance and bring Maddy along when you come.Introduce her to some of the Old Ladies.”

I frowned.“Why would I do that?”

This time, Pipe let the line go quiet on his end.“Just in case things go south and you might have to leave her with the Club to take care of business.It wouldn’t be the first time a woman needed protection like that from the Devils.If that happens, she won’t feel so isolated.”

That was true.I’d definitely consider it when the time came.“Any news on who might be behind the attack on Framingham’s secretary yet?”

“Not yet.After a deeper dive into the man’s history, I think my old pal hasn’t been exactly honest about what sorts of technology his business has been developing.It looks like he’s been dappling in some black market shit.Because of that, his enemy list is fucking long and complicated.It would take the CIA a goddamned year to get through it even if they were functioning at top speed.”

I snorted.“Does that mean you’ll be done poring through it by the end of the week?”

Pipe chuckled.“Give me two.I want to be thorough.”

“Slacker,” I joked, running a hand through my short beard.

“If you need anything,” Pipe said, “let me know.”

“Same,” I returned, before signing off and hanging up.

* * *


I couldn’t decide what to wear.I kept ripping things out of my closet, trying them on, deciding they weren't the right vibe I was going for, then discarding them onto the floor in a disgusted heap.

When I was afraid that I was running dangerously low on time, I got serious and whittled my options down to two garments.A floral print dress and the ultimate LBD.I settled on the little black dress, as it was very flattering and went well with my hair and skin tone.

Not wanting to overdo it, I went light on the makeup, only playing up the blue of my eyes with a complimentary toasted brown eyeshadow.Blow-drying my hair, I spent over an hour straightening it until the thick mass hung down like a glossy curtain to my butt, just as I suspected it would.

Nathan was picking me up at my house while German would discreetly follow behind us on his motorcycle.When we were eating, my biker bodyguard would wait outside of the restaurant in the parking lot.After dinner was over, my date was to promptly return me to my house no later than ten o’clock.Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Nathan texted that he was outside the gate as I was strapping on my heels.Informing Gretchen my date was here and she could let him inside, I added everything I needed in my clutch and headed downstairs.

Needing a bottle of water to take with me, I went to the kitchen to grab one.German swept in behind me, his face an unreadable mask of stone.

Before he could lecture me, I said, “I remember the deal.I only get two hours to go to the restaurant and then I need to come directly home.No other stops.”

The man’s hard gaze traveled up and down my body and I suddenly felt flushed and heated all over.“Don’t you want to take a jacket with you?”

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