Page 17 of German

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His dark gaze noted the scandalous length, then bounced up to where my hands were trying to discreetly fiddle with the bodice which had a tendency to gape.It must have been a trick of the light because his eyes went from brown to black in a matter of an instant.

Licking his lips, German asked, “What happened?Why were you screaming?”

Trying to dispel the tension in the room, I gave a high-pitched, breathy laugh.“I’m sorry.I didn’t mean to scare you.I received an unexpected text and got a little over-excited, is all.”

Lowering his weapon, German tucked it behind his back where he must have hidden a holster.“You screamed over a text message?”

Recalling why I’d been so stoked, I read the message verbatim to him.“Hey, Maddy.It’s Nathan.I got your number from our mutual friend Natalie and wanted to know if you wanted to go out sometime?I’m free this Friday night if you’re available.What do you say?”

German’s face didn’t move a muscle when I looked up at him.He just stood there, arms folded as he listened passively to the text.

“You were right!”I practically squealed.“If a man wants to get to know you, hewillfind a way to make it happen.”

“You can’t go,” German said then, squashing my dreams of blonde children and a house in the hills in one careless sentence.

Perplexed, I asked, “Why not?”

“It’s not safe,” he flatly returned.

“But Daddy lets me go to the gym and work.Why can’t I go to a public restaurant with Nathan?I don’t care where we go, just so long as we do,” I compromised.

Wanting to be agreeable, I moved closer and begged, “Please German!It’s just dinner.A girl’s gotta eat, right?”

I could see a war of epic proportions being waged across German’s handsome face.“It’s not safe.”

Sensing he was bending despite his objections on the contrary, I teased, “Please, Daddy!I’ll be a good girl and do whatever you want if you just let me go!”

There was a moment there when the air got heavy and crackled with electricity.Had I pushed the man too hard?Swallowing back my fear, I noticed the intense expression on his face and shifted nervously in place.

When his gaze scanned down my body, my nipples hardened and my core became drenched.My thighs pulsed together to alleviate the growing throb between my legs and I stifled the urge to touch myself to alleviate the building tension there.

Nostrils and pupils flaring in tandem, German turned and walked toward the door.Standing on the threshold of my room, he muttered, “Fine.Dinner.You get one hour and then I’m bringing you home.”

“Two!”I shouted at his retreating form, as I began to excitedly respond to Nathan’s text, pointedly ignoring the way my body felt alive in a way I’d never experienced before.



Fuck!I hated that I’d retreated like that.Left the fight instead of engaging further.But what else could I do?If I hadn’t, I would have bent Maddy over, tugged up her tiny excuse for a robe, and buried my cock to the hilt inside her sweet little pussy.

When she’d begged prettily for me to let her go to dinner and called me “daddy”, I’d nearly stroked out.My dick was so fucking hard right now, I could practically pound nails with it.

Going to the bathroom, I washed my face with cold water to try and cool off.It didn’t work.My cock still wanted inside Maddy in a way I’d never wanted a woman before.Even now, I could feel the precum leaking from the tip in anticipation of getting inside her perfect cunt.I must be a sadist because there was no other word to describe how fucked I was in the head for what I was doing.

What was wrong with me?Why did this girl get so deep under my skin?Her scent.Her beauty.Her wit, all compelled me to get closer.It was a trifecta I just couldn’t get enough of.Like a drug, the more I got of her, the more I wanted.

Today, after we’d left her job, I’d explained how a man should be bold and ask a woman out if he was interested.Now that bitch karma was paying me back for my smart mouth.Fucking Christ!I was stuck taking the girl I wanted to bang harder than a drum out on a date with another man!This was some next-level irony I just wasn’t prepared for.

Leaning back, I glanced in the mirror and scowled.I wasn’t the type of guy a girl like Maddy got involved with.Sure, they might like to fuck me, but they didn’t bring me home to their parents.And usually, I was good with that.Still, the thought of Nathan taking Maddy out to dinner, driving her around, placing his hand on her thigh, then spreading those perfect legs later on in the evening, made me want to commit murder.

My phone rang then and I dragged it out of my pocket.It was my Brother Pipe calling, probably wanting to talk about how I was settling into my duties.

Thankful for the distraction, I answered it.“Pipe, what’s up, Brother?”

“Just checking in on you, German.Reaper wanted an update on the situation,” Pipe said.

“Unfortunately, there’s not much to report so far.”Walking back into the bedroom, I sat down on a chair that faced the balcony.“It’s all been pretty quiet around here.It can’t hurt that daddy’s little girl is being followed by a detective and a biker every step she takes,” I quipped humorlessly.

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