Page 25 of Holiday Reunion

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“James,” she whispered, “you don’t understand?—”

“But I do. I want you to have the baker the way you always dreamed for it to be. You built this dream with your father and this place just wouldn’t be the same if you couldn’t find joy in it.”

Her mouth fell open.

“It’s right here.” He motioned toward the documents in his hand. “But that’s not all. I changed everything—with the board’s approval, of course. And I want you to take a good, long, hard look at it and tell me if you think it could work.” He fidgeted, still not sure where she was at with this whole thing. He’d bombarded her—surprised her. How else was she supposed to respond to him? He moistened his lips and took her hand so he could shift the papers to it. “I bought out the bakery free and clear,” he whispered. “And I’m going to gift it to you.”

Sarah shook her head. “I can’t?—”

“You can. And you will. This isn’t negotiable. The bakery is yours. It always has been.” He closed his eyes briefly in order to calm his racing heart, but he failed in his attempt. “People are going to say this is the worst business decision of my life, but there it is. Of course I would love to partner with you—in a more silent means, but I completely understand if that isn’t something you’re open to.” He searched her eyes and found himself holding his breath for her response. This could go so many different ways and all he could do was hope she’d be open to his offer.


This wasn’t happening. Sarah had to be dreaming. That was the only explanation for what was going on in this very moment. This was what happened when someone was sleep-deprived which Sarah most definitely was.

She glanced down at the papers in her hands, unsure of what to do next. James stood in front of her, offering her the gift of a lifetime and with no strings attached. It couldn’t be real.

Her legs went weak and she shuffled back a step, catching herself on a nearby light post before she really made a fool of herself.

James surged forward, but he didn’t hold onto her—a fact that she was grateful for because if he had, she wouldn’t have been able to keep a level head.

Sarah lifted the papers, but the words blurred and swirled into one another after she read the title of the proposal.

Lake Harbor Christmas Village

James was turning the avenue into a full-time Christmas village. She couldn’t believe her eyes. In fact, they swam with emotion so much that tears spilled out over the edges of her eyes and tumbled down her cheeks.

“This isn’t real, is it? You’re joking. It’s one big practical joke.” Her voice broke as she turned her focus to James. “You’re trying to get back at me for what I did, right?”

He actually looked hurt by her accusation. The pain in his expression was enough to cause the tightness in her chest to worsen. “This isn’t a joke, Sarah. I would never do something like that to you.” This time he did reach out, the back of his knuckles tracing along the edge of her jaw. “Can’t you see I love you?”

Her breath hitched in her throat and she turned away. Moments before he’d arrived, she’d been terrified over what she was about to do. In her purse she had a ticket to Portland. She’d intended on tracking him down and telling him exactly how she felt. The terror had come from the fact he’d not answered a single one of her phone calls over the last two days.

Sarah swallowed hard, her eyes fluttering open. “Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

His frown deepened. “You tried calling me?”

She nodded. “I thought you were avoiding me.”

In that moment, James pulled her into a hug so tight, he crushed her body against his own. “I misplaced my personal phone. I’ve been using my company phone until my replacement comes.” He pulled back, his eyes searching hers. “You’ve been trying to call me.” This time it wasn’t a question.

She let out a sound combining her sob with her laugh of relief. “I hated how things ended between us. I needed you to know that I…” Her face flushed hot enough it could have melted all the snow in a mile radius. “I was wrong for the way I treated you. I should’ve never let my emotions get the better of me.” She pulled back far enough to lift up the now wrinkled proposal. “This idea? This Christmas village sounds like a dream. I can’t believe you came up with it.”

He chuckled. “I’m going to choose not to take offense at that.”

Her confusion was quickly replaced by chagrin. “I mean, of course you’re capable?—”

James laughed this time, his fingers caressing her face. “Truth be told, I didn’t come up with it on my own. I had a lot of help.”

“You did?”

He nodded. “You’re what I like to call a muse.”

She bit back a smile. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Oh, I’m dead serious. Your passion for this place and for this holiday together were the catalyst for my vision. I couldn’t have done it without the success of the festival. You have to know that.”

Sarah stared at the papers in her hand once more. “There’s so much about these ideas that have my head spinning. This is an amazing plan. I can’t think of anything that would be more perfect for Lake Harbor Avenue.” She shuffled through the papers until she came to one that listed her bakery. “Except one thing.”

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