Page 64 of Wings of Destiny

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Don’t cry.

You cry, he’ll know.

“Rin, you went through a lot. I’m not going to say it’s fine. Or that it’ll be okay and get better because I can’t promise that. But I got you. And not just because of some ‘big brother’ complex you’re accusing me of,” he let out a soft chuckle. “You couldn’t be further from the truth actually.”

“What do you mean?” My confused eyes lifted and met his. Deep as the ocean, a twinkle of light escaped from their furthest depths.


The front door burst open, Libby and Derik barreled in, laughing their asses off. Reeking of tequila. Seth and I yanked our hands apart and pushed ourselves to the far edges of the couch, putting as much space between us as possible.

Seth’s face was beet red, a sight I’ve rarely ever seen. My eyes widened in response.

What was he going to say?

I shot the drunk assholes a glare before busting out laughing as I took in their states. Derik was full on shitfaced and grinning so hard he’d damn near end up with his face stuck that way. His clothes were covered in leaves and grass. Libby wasn’t much better off as her makeup was smeared halfway down her face.

“What the hell happened to you two?” I laughed.

Libby giggled, her sing-song voice slightly higher. “After we left The Taco House, we went out for more drinks at the divebar a few shops down. Did some crappy karaoke and a group of girls talked Derik into a few shots and I joined in,” she hiccuped. “On our way back, I tripped and took Derik down with me. We landed in a ditch down the street,” she hiccuped again. “He had dirt all over him, it was hilarious.”

“Yeah well, Blondie, you weren’t much better off. You had a whole ass tree in your hair,” Derik said as he stuck his tongue out at Libby.

Seth and I snickered at them.

I held up the new wine bottle, waving it at them. “Y’all up for anymore?” My head swiveled in Seth’s direction. “You got anymore?”

“There’s one more bottle. But I can make a run to the liquor store real quick. Or the gas station,” he glanced over at Libby and Derik fumbling their way to the guest room. “Gas station it is.”

“Wait, should you be driving?” I asked, my brow furrowing.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I didn’t even finish my beer when we grabbed food earlier.” I peaked at his wine glass, barely touched.

He swiftly grabbed his keys and left.

I sipped my wine; I decided to go ahead and claim the bottle for myself when I heard giggling as it echoed from the guest room. Where all my stuff was. And currently both of Derik and Libby’s things were as well. Including blankets and a beer pong cup covered sleeping bag of a notable player.


I held back a gag as I stumbled through the living room and toward the bedroom, closing my eyes and hoping they weren’t naked. I knocked before peeking around the door.

They were both sprawled on the floor bellies down, fully clothed, thank god. Their heads were close together and drunken eyes glued onto one of their phones.

“What are you guys doin?” I slurred.

“Funny cat videos. Derik pulled them up. They’resocute, Erin! There was even one with a kitten waddling like a little duck.” Libby squealed over her shoulder as she kicked her feet.

“This woman loves her cat videos, Snow. She can watch ‘em for hours,” Derik added. A hint of admiration in his voice.

I padded into the room and sat down next to them, leaning forward to see which one of the thousands of feline viral videos they had playing. It was a compilation with snippets of the animals mewling, some sounding as if they were human. Others involved some of the cats jumping and bolting through homes, knocking over bowls, landing on their human’s head or directly on their crotch, sending their human right to the ground. That last one sent Libby and me into hysterics and Derik covered his groin, scrunching his face.

We sat huddled together giggling and pointing at Derik’s phone until Seth came back bearing more booze. He’d brought back all the fixings sure to cause some trouble. Vodka, tequila, wine coolers, and a few packs of pre-made jello-shots.

He’d walked in, two plastic bags dangling from his arms on the borderline of ripping open. “Who’s ready for some fun?” He winked at me then turned on his heel and headed to the living room. We heard him rustle around, bottles hitting the coffee table, bags being dug through, so we drunkenly pushed ourselves to our feet and out to Seth.

Derik slung his arm around Libby’s shoulders, then pulled me under his other arm. “Alright ladies, looks like Seth’s ready to party.” He slurred. Libby giggled. And I threw a fist in the air, whooping.

Seth handed each of us a jello-shot; Libby’s was pink, Derik’s green, and mine blue. Seth took a yellow one. Derik and Libby slurped theirs down like champs. I, on the other hand, did not. Half the shot landed on my chest.

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