Page 61 of Wings of Destiny

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During our little standoff, one of the waitresses had dropped off my drink. It was baby-doll pink with some sour worm shaped gummies sticking out the top. And glitter. Lots of freakingglitter. I grabbed it and sucked it down. It was freaking heaven. Pure sugar, I couldn’t even taste the alcohol.

“I take it your sugar-drink was up to par, Miss Snow?” Josh asked, amusement laced his tone.

I shook my head. “Mhm,” I bit into one of the sour candies. “Really sweet. I kinda want another one.” I giggled, as warmth spread through me.

I offered Josh a gummy worm as I took another bite of mine. “Going back to earlier, what’s your story, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Mysterious?”

Ballsy, aren’t we?

He let out a throaty chuckle. “Tall, Dark, and Mysterious? Aren’t you original, Miss Snow?” He sipped from his beer again, really milking the thing. “I’ve been around for quite a long time, dear. Three centuries to be exact. Seen a few wars. Traveled our world to every known edge. Have bed numerous lovers. It’s a long time but nothing more than what you’d expect, Miss Snow. I assure you mystoryisn’t nearly as interesting as you think.”

I pouted. “There goes that fantasy then. Bummer,” my words began to slur. “So then, Josh-ua, how’d ya end up in this little ol’ college town?”

He shrugged. “I was on a mission out here. And the scenery drew me in.” Short and simple.

For someone so full of themselves, he sure is short in talking about himself.


“No girl involved? No tragic backstory?”

His eyes flickered. “No, Miss Snow. I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

I cocked my head to the side, really taking him in. Deep chestnut-brown hair, perfectly slicked back. Even the stray stand when he first arrived at The Taco House had been swept back into place. His jawline sharp, stubble now gone. His eyes thecolor of a clear summer sky, speckled with shades of a light, almost amber shade throughout. He was handsome, beautiful, even.

A grin crept across his lips.

Shit, did I say that out loud?

“I can stay here with Miss Snow to ensure she finishes her meal, if you’d like. I’m sure training could wait until tomorrow.” Josh flicked his gaze behind me.

I must’ve zoned out again.

I swept my eyes over our table; everyone had finished their food but me.

“Are you sure? She can be a handful when she drinks.”

I whipped around, shooting daggers at Seth. In the process, I knocked over an empty beer bottle. “I am not! I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself, thank you.”


Seth’s eyebrows shot up, flicking his line-of-sight to the toppled over beer bottle. “Uh huh. I guess it knocked itself over then?”

He’s enjoying this.

“I’m not a child, you jerk. You guys go, I’ll finish my food then head out. I’ll hail a cab or something.” I shot back.

“Nope, not happening.”

I whimpered. “Seeettthhh. Come on.”

“Short Stuff, he’s got a point. It’d be safer if one of us stayed with you.” I glared at Derik, wishing at that moment I could catch his blonde mop on fire.


Josh cooed, “Miss Snow, if you believe it to be that miserable sitting here with me alone, then I shall make it as if I’m not even here, if you’d like. But I’ll be escorting you home.”


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