Page 25 of Wings of Destiny

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Libby regained control, clearing her throat. “Alright, lay off the poor guy, Derik. You know how he likes to play protector.” Libby winked at me, and my heart fell.

Protector. That’s right.

It’s literally a part of who he is.

It wouldn’t mean anything more than him wanting to make sure I’m okay, especially with the Nephilim and Demons. I internally kicked myself for even entertaining the idea of Seth caring for me as more than a friend. And for caring in the first place.


I let out a small laugh. “Yeah, always the big brother type, huh, Seth?” For a moment, I swore there was a glimpse of sadness and pain in his eyes.

He smiled, but it barely met his eyes. “Yeah, that’s me.”

I reached my hand out and my fingers brushed his toned, sun-kissed forearm. There was a jolt of electricity between us. Seth’s breath hitched. His cerulean eyes skirted my pale skin, stopping where my hand rested on his arm. I felt the blush return to my cheeks and pulled away.

“I…sorry, Seth, I didn’t mean to…”

Except that felt like more than just static.

When my hand touched Seth, it was like a jolt of electricity shot through me, right down to my bones. Goosebumps pebbled along my arms, my heart pounded, and a warmth spread throughout my body.

He slowly nodded. “No worries, Snow.” He was still looking down; his gaze had followed my hand as I tucked it behind me. His brows threaded together and he reached around me to pull my hand back out. He held it up.

What…what is he doing?

I gasped and my eyes grew wide. There, bouncing along the tips of my fingers, were bouts of electricity, miniature lightning bolts. The flesh on the tips of my fingers tingled and a low hum echoed in my ears. Copper infiltrated my mouth as if I’d shoved a handful of pennies onto my tongue. My pulse slowed, my vision became blurry, and blood rushed from my head. Sethdisappeared from view, my limbs heavy as I fell into a pit of nothingness, the world around me shrouded in black.

Chapter seven


“Erin!?” I yelled, barely catching her head before she hit the hardwood floor. I scanned her face and her seemingly fragile body in search of any sign of damage or any effects that lingered from the electricity that pulsed from her hands.

Derik was on the ground with me at Erin’s side, his palm pressed to her chest, sending his power inward in search of internal trauma. Derik’s chocolate eyes met mine as he lifted his hand from her unconscious body. “She’s okay. Just knocked out from her power suddenly deciding to make an appearance. She’s not drained. It was more of a shock to her system.”

Thank God.

I exhaled a sigh of relief, sending a silent prayer that Erin hadn’t suffered any damage. More often than not, the first time our power awakes or comes to fruition, it could leave us worse for wear.

I sent a glance to Libby, our eyes locking. The memory of her initial onslaught of power played in my mind. When the retrocognition hit her, cuts raked across her skin, blood spurtingout of each one. We’d been near a site where a Demon had massacred a group of college kids; Libby had rested her hand on top of one of the wooden crosses left by one of the victims’ friends when the vision hit her.

Libby slowed and walked to where I remained on the ground with Erin still cradled in my lap. “She’s okay, Seth. She’s strong. You’ve got to see that,” Libby cracked a smile. “Erin really is electrifying, huh?” She crouched next to us, patting my back.

I laughed. “She really is.”

Erin began to shift in my arms, groaning as she unintentionally angled herself toward me, nuzzling herself into my chest. I smiled down at her, my heart thumping. Wisps of her chestnut brown hair had escaped her ponytail, caressing her face. The rest trailed across my lap and to the floor.

So beautiful.

Using the back of my hand, I lightly brushed away a few strands of her hair from her face, coaxing her awake. Her brows pushed together. “Erin?” I said, barely above a whisper.

Erin’s eyes fluttered open, her sapphire blue eyes blinked up at me, surprise dawning on her face. A pink blush rose across her cheeks and spread down her delicate neck. A chuckle escaped my lips and she bolted upright, stuttering. My heart ached as her warmth left me.

“I…I’m so sorry! I…What happened?” Confusion spread across her face.

My smile widened. “Look down, Snow. Or maybe we should call you Zeus.” She smacked my arm, embarrassed. Then, taking a breath, Erin switched her focus to her hands. They were pulsing. Bites of electricity and miniature lightning bolts skipped across her fingertips, illuminating her striking features. Her eyes sparkled as if they were the night sky on the brink of early morning.

She dragged her breathtakingly sapphire blue eyes back up to mine. They widened, practically bulging out of her skull. “I…Seth. There’s…why is there lightning coming out of my hands?” Erin’s shoulders started shaking. Her lips began to quiver. Barely a whisper, “Did…Seth, did I hurt you?” A tear escaped.

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