Page 45 of Wings of Destiny

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Erin. Listen to me.

I was trembling, still fighting the Demon in front of me.

“Erin! Listen to me! It’s me!” The voice didn’t match the Demon in front of me, thrusting his disgusting tongue into me. “Erin.”

Erebus began to disappear, his towering figure diluting.

“Come back to me, Rin. You’re home.”

The fog started to lift.

“You’re safe.”

I blinked.

And met Seth’s eyes, deeper than the ocean, and filled with concern. I let out a strained breath, my chest still heaving. The nausea hit me again. Seth must have realized it because he grabbed the trash bin next to my bed just in time for me to barf into it. He pushed my hair back, holding it out of the way, his fingers brushing my neck.

I heaved and nothing but bile rampaged its way out of my body. I choked as the last of it spewed out. Seth’s hand rubbed in circles along my back, my body relaxed into his touch. I slumped forward, my head resting on the rim of the trash can, my breathing shaky.

The smell from the puked-doused trash can hit me once I came up for air. “Oh dear lord,” I squeezed my nose between my fingers, gagging. “Seth, I am so freaking sorry.”

He shook next to me. The bastard was laughing. “It’s all good, Snow. I mean, most chicks don’t spew their guts when they wake up at my place, but I’ll try not to be too offended.” I shot him a sideways glare.

I’m puking my guts out.

Having some type of episode and he’s laughing at me.


“But seriously, you okay?” His arm wrapped around my shoulders, hugging my frame to his. He paused. “Is this okay? Me touching you? Do you need space?” I shook my head, my lips pressed together, forming a thin line as I fought back the silver that lined my eyes. Seth began pulling away and I curled my fingers into the fabric of his T-shirt. I leaned into him, resting my head on his broad shoulder.

Don’t go. Not right now.

Seth pulled me in closer, twisting so he had both arms wrapped around me as my face pressed into his chest. I burrowed my nose into his T-shirt, inhaling his signature pine and bourbon scent. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hegripped me tighter, as if he knew how much I needed him right in that moment, holding me together. His chin rested on the top of my head, nestled in my hair. My heart wrenched. Tears began to fall, soaking the front of his shirt.

He broke me.

I let that damned Demon break me.

And they…they could’ve died because of me.

“I’m here, Rin. I’m here,” Seth squeezed me. “You’re home. You’re safe.” He repeated what he said as he pulled me out of the flashback.


Was this home?

I felt something crack inside me.

No. It’s not.

They say ‘home is where the heart is,’ and mine…is gone.

“It’s about damn time your ass woke up, Snow,” Derik barged into the room, startling me, a huge grin plastered on his face. “Some pretty bad ass stuff you did back there, Short Stuff.”

Libby came barreling in after him, smacking Derik on the arm. “I told you to give her some space, Derik! Leave them alone,” she scolded him, her eyes wide, cheeks flushed, her short blonde ponytail bobbing behind her. “She’s been through a lot the last few days. She doesn’t need you bullying her.”

Libby meant the best but said the worst. I stiffened in Seth’s arms.

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