Page 44 of Wings of Destiny

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A ball of flame barreled toward the creatures. Destroying them, the scent of burnt flesh encompassing us, death slidingdown our throats. Lightning shot down from the sky, feasting on the creatures that remained.

The most beautiful eyes reached into my soul, caressing it. A sigh of relief brushed my skin.

He was alive. The ocean was alive.

My entire body hurt, as if I had the shit beat out of me. My legs ached, my stomach burned, and it was as if a lighter had been taken to my boobs. My arms and wrists weren’t much better. I groaned. I attempted to pry my heavy eyelids open, only to slam them shut again as light flooded my vision.

“Mother of fuck. Turn the damn lights out.” I grunted out.

There was a bunch of shuffling around me, a door opened and slammed shut. The air around me became stuffy. Voices excitedly mumbled. I had to strain my ears to focus on what they were saying.

“She’s waking up. She’s finally waking up. Go get Derik. And call Seth while you’re at it! He’ll want to know asap!” A high-pitched squeal escaped from somewhere close to my ear, piercing, and causing me to slap my hands over both ears.

What the hell is going on?

Someone please. Make it stop.

“Shit. Keep it down. Please. Holy fuck.” A hand slapped skin, probably covering the squealer’s mouth. I squinted, slowly, to test out the light of the room. It wasn’t as bad the second time. I blinked, opening my eyes fully. Well, more than they were. I slowly pushed myself onto my elbows and took in the room around me.

I was in the guest room at Seth’s. The curtains draped across the two arched windows at the front of the room were drawnclosed, thankfully keeping any light from outside hitting me in the face. The overhead ceiling lights that hung in the center of the room had been dimmed. A pile of blankets, several actually, laid along the floor. There were three separate piles, the one closest to my bed dawned Seth’s navy-blue throw and a scrunched-up pillow. Directly next to it lay a pile topped with a pink blanket. I scowled. And closest to the door was some light green sleeping bag dotted with pictures of what looked like red solo cups and monster trucks.

That one had to be Derik’s.

Wait. Why is their stuff in here?

I caught Libby’s big, beautiful, emerald-green doe-eyes staring me down. Her brows furrowed together and lips pouting. She bit her lip. Then attacked me by wrapping her dainty, toned arms around me and pulling me to her chest, as she squeezed the ever-loving-shit out of me. I flailed my aching arms, in an attempt to free myself from the death gripped hug.

“Libby! Libby, space, please. Personal space. I can’t breathe,”—I could, somehow, but—“No touchy.”

Her lip wobbled. “I’m sorry, Erin! I’m just so glad you’re finally awake. We were so worried. And we’ve all been keeping guard since we got back and I just…I’m glad you’re awake.” A few tears slid down her face. She sniffled as she wiped them away.

She’s drop dead gorgeous even when she cries. Woah.

But why is she crying?

“I’m sorry, I’m babbling. How are you feeling? Can I get you anything? Derik and Seth should be back any minute. They went to run a patrol and check on a few things.”

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Why would you guys be keeping guard? What hap—” I stopped as it all came flooding back to me. The Demons. The stone room. The whipping. The burning pain. Seth, unconscious. Libby and Derikpiled on top of each other, out cold. Blood. Demons. So many Demons.Erebus.

Another memory flashed before my eyes. Erebus. Shredding my clothes. Touching me. His tongue, worming its way inside me. Pumping in and out of me. Violating me.

The air went cold around me, my vision glazed over. Tremors climbed their way up my spine and spread, my entire body trembling. A wave of nausea swept through me, the memory played again. And again. The room around me faded away. I was back in the stone room. With Erebus.

“Lovely, isn’t she?”


I was screaming.

Claws raked their way down my face. Blood merging with my tears.Stop. Stop. Stop.There was burning. My skin was on fire. I was burning from the outside in. My chest heaved as my heart was on the cusp of exploding. I couldn’t breathe. Everything was closing in on me. Erebus was killing me. His tongue tore me from the middle.

Snap out of it. Stop. Please, make it stop.

I flinched, thrashing my fists outward.


I kept thrusting my fists in front of me.

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