Page 23 of Wings of Destiny

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“My, my. Quite a mouth you have there, Miss Snow.” Derik practically choked on air, while I gaped at Josh. He flashed one hell of a smile. His teeth gleamed in the early evening sun, a dimple appearing on his right cheek.

“What are you? The damned language police? This is the twenty-first century. You realize that, right?” I deadpanned, crossing my arms over my chest.

Derik wiped a tear as it fell from his eye from laughing so hard.


I glared at Derik, my face hot from the not-so-subtle innuendo.

He choked back another bout of laughter. “Alright, alright, Snow, you ready to head out?” I narrowed my eyes at Josh and turned on my heel, reaching for the passenger door of Derik’s Silverado.

Where does this guy get off? I can damn well talk however I please.

I yanked it open and hopped inside, slamming the door behind me. Derik swaggered toward the driver’s side, Josh right on his heel.

“Would you mind if I rode with you all?”

No. Please no.

The most mischievous glint shined in Derik’s slate-blue eyes. “After that? Hell yeah. I’d love a frontrow seat to see Erin squirm.”


“You’re disgusting.”

“It’s what I do best, baby.” He shrugged and hauled his ass into the driver's seat, leaving me to squeeze in the center between him and Josh. The last place I wanted to be at that moment.

For how massive this behemoth of a truck is, you’d think he’d have extended cab seating.

I was hyper-aware of Josh’s body next to mine. It was a tight fit in Derik’s truck, with it only being a front seater. My shoulders were, unfortunately, firmly pressed against Josh’s, okay and Derik’s too, but let’s be honest, I didn’t pay much attention to Derik’s burly shoulder. I caught a whiff of Josh’s scent as he slung his arm over the back of the seat.

Cedar and…musk?

I breathed it in, relished it, and images danced in front of me.

His stubble sent tingles down my stomach as he grazed my neck, gently caressing the spot between my shoulders with his lips. He flicked his tongue, causing me to shiver, a slight pool forming at my center. A moan escaped my lips that snapped me out of my little fantasy.

Derik cleared his throat. “Uh, Erin, you good? You spaced out there for a sec.” I shot straight up in my seat, my face beet-red. I slapped my hands down on my lap, facing forward.

Nervous laughter bubbled in my chest. “Yeap. Peachy. Must’ve dosed off. You know, with lack of sleep and everything lately.”

Breathe. I'm just imagining things. I just met the guy today. There's no reason to get all hot and heavy just because he smells delicious. This isn’t some romance novel.

“Oh yeah, Seth did mention something about you not sleeping. Said you’ve been having those dream run-ins with the Angels. Sounds like a fun time.”

I sighed, nodding my head; grateful Derik didn’t push it and make a spectacle of my spacing out.

So that must be what that guy was in the second nightmare.

But what about the first one?

A blanket of darkness surrounded me and it was as if I couldn’t escape. No one was in that one, at least not that I could see even though I felt hundreds of eyes on me. There was nothing but the fear of being chased and not being able to escape that encompassed my whole being.

“Have you had any others? Since the one after class?”

“No, there haven’t been any more. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way. If I’m going to be a part of this whole ‘hunt the Demons’ thing, I’m going to need as much rest as I can get. I get crabby.”

“I can’t imagine you crabby, Miss Snow,” Josh said, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness, his dimple prominent.

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