Page 2 of Ice Lord Incognito

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Not long ago, monsters stepped forward, joining human society. Finding welcome among them, we formed treaties with their governments. Now that many of us had settled in various towns across the globe, it was common to see centaurs working at the gas station, demons running businesses, and monsters of all varieties dating and marrying humans. Despite the horror stories humans had grown up with that featured monsters as thevillain, they’d been surprisingly eager to be with us. Monster romance novels had led the way.

Eager to get away from the area I’d grown up in, I’d recently moved to town and taken a job with Katar. I’d solved one case already, and I was eager to take on another.

“Our newest client will be here in a few moments to explain.” Katar’s serious gaze met mine. “Melly’s an old friend of Bailey’s. They went to school together. You might remember her from Angie and Tuvid’s wedding. She was one of Angie’s bridesmaids.”

Tuvid was a gargoyle and also employed at Monsters, PI. While solving Angie’s missing beer keg case, they’d fallen in love. I’d attended their wedding a week ago. Tuvid and Angie had left for their honeymoon immediately after the wedding and wouldn’t be back in town for a few more days. That left me, Katar, and our newest employee, a dragon shifter detective who wouldn’t start until next week, to cover any cases that came in. A vampire was coming in for an interview soon, as was an ogre, and I couldn’t wait to meet them and see if they’d fit in with the team.

As for Melly . . . Yeah, I remembered her. Tall, she had legs that went on forever. Greenish-brown eyes. Long dark hair I’d wanted to wrap around my hand until I could tug her against me. I’d lift her delicate chin and—

“Ah, you do remember Melly,” Katar said with a low laugh. His eyes gleamed, but he couldn’t know that I hadn’t been able to get that woman out of my mind since I met her.

“Yes, I do,” I said.

When we met, I’d messed things up. Instead of speaking with her like I’d wanted to, I froze, a total cliché for an ice lord. I’d muttered something I couldn’t even recall and stumbled away from her. Me. Stumbling from someone. You wouldn’t know I’d worked as a survival trainer with the military and then as a wilderness ranger and guide doing search-and-rescue for years. I was one of the most respected in my field and had regularly given interviews.

My family had been around for eons. They were distinguished. They would’ve sneered if they’d seen me fumble my words with anyone.

But I was attracted to Melly in a way I’d never been with anyone else.

Katar’s wife, Bailey, poked her head into my office. She was covering the reception desk until we hired someone. We had a few candidates and would select one soon. “Melly’s here. Should I show her in?”

“Sure.” Katar rose and stalked over to his wife, stroking his knuckles across her cheek. His fingers traveled to her distended belly. Their orcling would be born soon, hence the hurry to hire more staff so Katar could take time off to be with Bailey and their young one.

Pure envy coursed through me. If only—

“I’ll bring her in.” Bailey curled her finger to Katar, and they kissed before she turned and strode back down the hall.

Pivoting, Katar leaned against the wall and gave me a sappy grin. They were so in love, it almost hurt to see them together.

At one time, I thought I was in love, too, but it fell apart.

Bailey returned and shot me a smile as Melly walked into the office. While Melly sat in the chair Katar had vacated, Bailey and Katar left, pulling the door closed behind them.

“Hi,” Melly said, her pretty face pinkening. Why was she blushing?

“Hi.” Suddenly nervous for no reason, I cleared my throat and fell back into the stiff, icy demeanor so common among my species. “I’m Elrik Nivalis,” I said gruffly. “Ice lord.”

She blinked. “Melly. Melly Brandt. Um, ice cream shop owner.” Her sweet laugh rang out. “We met at Tuvid and Angie’s wedding, which . . .” More color flooded her cheeks. “You may not remember meeting me.”

“Oh, I do. You’re gorgeous.” Had I actually said that? It was true, but I was raised to be anythingbutspontaneous. From the time I was three, I was taught to remain in full control of my tongue and my mind.

Leave it to me to go from stumbling over my words when I first meet her to spitting almost anything out during our second meet-up.

“Thank you.” She placed her phone on my desk. “I’m here for my Grannie Rose. She wants to be part of the conversation if that’s okay. Since she broke her hip, she doesn’t get around well, but her mind’s completely clear.”

“Oh, yes, sure.” For an ice lord, my face felt awfully hot. Odd, since our body temperature always remained on the chilly side except when we met our—

“Thanks.” She placed the call.

“Melly?” a creaky voice came through the speaker.

“Yes, Grannie. It’s Melly. I’m at Monsters, PI, and I’ve got you on speakerphone.”

“Wonderful. Who did Katar assign my case to?”

“Elrik Nivalis.”

“What kind of name is Nivalis?” Grannie Rose asked, though politely.

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