Page 6 of Devil's Sinner

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I let go of her wrists and she began slamming her fists over my body again. I could barely feel the pain. There was only one thing on my mind.

I wanted Connor's blood. I wanted to hurt him for his lies and betrayal.

Before I could tell Georgia just how wrong she was by putting all the blame on me, a heavy thud sounded against the back of my head. I saw stars, the world dancing before my eyes in bright, exploding colors.

"Fuck," I muttered, clutching my head as I stumbled back. Two strong pairs of arms grabbed me, nearly lifting me off the ground. The guards had attacked me, unprovoked, when I was least expecting it. "Get your filthy hands off of me, you fucking goons! Don't you know who I am?"

"You're nobody here," Peterson snarled at me as I was lifted off my feet, carried out of the house and tossed on the gravel outside. My head was still pounding and I groaned, attempting to pick myself up unsuccessfully. Peterson followed his thugs outside, staring at me on the ground with barely held-back glee on his round face. "You're done here, Windsor. Get the hell off my property."

"Not before you give her back." The words took all my strength and I sputtered when one of the muscular guards kicked me in the stomach. They were going to fucking pay for this, all of them. "I want my Violet back, and I want her back now."

"Get out of my face," Peterson said with disgust. He took a long, patronizing look at me before spitting in my face. I glared back, wiping off his disgusting saliva. "Good fucking riddance, Windsor."

With those words, he walked away, leaving me sprawled out on the ground.

"We'll see who gets rid of who," I called out after him, still on the ground. "When I'm done with you-"

I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence.

One of the guards kicked his steel-tipped boot in my face, and everything went dark.

Chapter 2


IthoughtDevlinintroducedme to pain.

I was wrong.

Connor hit me so hard he knocked me out. Time passed. I had no idea how long. It felt like days. I woke up with a blindfold over my eyes and suspended by what I assumed were ropes based on the way they burned my wrists. When I came to terms with the agony, I realized I was completely naked.

Exposed in every way.

Pain. Mental and physical pain.

My mind broke down in Devlin’s cage. I accepted the bottom of that despair, because I believed it was as low as I could possibly go.

I was wrong. True despair was absolute darkness with no way to know what was going to happen to me. The only thing I knew for sure was that Connor hadn’t taken what he truly wanted. Not yet. I assumed he would, and waiting for that damnation was worse than the pain I was forced to endure.

Connor lured me into a trap. Did my sister know what he planned to do? Was she complacent in his plan? Did shehelphim? I didn’t want to believe she would betray me like that, but she didn’t believe me when I told her the truth about what he tried to do to me when I was younger. She took his side and pushed me away.

Was I a fool to believe that she was my savior?

Was I wrong about Devlin?

I ran because of what Georgia told me about him. Did I believe a lie? Everything she said sounded so real. I overheard Devlin talking to someone about a deal to sell me to the highest bidder. That’s exactly what Georgia said he was trying to do. How would she know if it wasn’t true? What about my father? Did Devlin really set him up?

All I could do was ask myself questions I couldn’t answer and assume the worst.

Even if I wasn’t sure if the worst was yet to come or not.

It was impossible for my body to rest, but the darkness consumed my mind until I passed out several times. I didn’t know if it was minutes - hours -days. I just knew that my body ached more every time my eyes tried to open against the blindfold and I regained what resembled consciousness.

Something was different. There was a breeze and I hadn’t felt that since the first time I woke up suspended from the ropes. The musty smell that had festered in my nostrils since I took my first conscious breath had a hint of freshness in it. There was a shimmer of light around the edge of my blindfold.

“Is…” My throat was so dry that it was almost impossible to speak, but I forced the raspy words out. “Is someone there?”

“Yes, dear Violet.” It was Connor’s voice, and it made every hair stand on end. “I’m here.”

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