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But to myself, I smiled, thinking of how perfect Jesse was.

“Sounds like someone has it bad,” Miles laughed, making me smirk to myself.

“Yeah I probably do,” I admitted. “Just spent all night with her and her son at Wal-Mart.”

“Thought you said it was a date?”

“We danced and shared a juice box, Miles. It was pretty official.”

“Wait,” Miles coughed a few times trying to suppress a laugh. “Wait. You mean to tell me you really did go to Wal-Mart and considered it a date?”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“You. Are. Fucked.” Miles let loose the laugh, roaring so loud I wasn’t able to get a word in as he lost his breath at my expense. “So. Fucked.”

I didn’t deny it, and I was glad it made him so happy, but there was something more I needed to talk about. Something I needed his help with.

“Miles,” I interrupted him, finally needing to get to the point. “Rory’s a problem. Help me out, will ya?”

“How so?”

“She said some shit to Jesse when I had her at the station and I let it go. It's not like Jesse and I are together, and Captain Reed would kill me if I made a scene over something I wasn’t sure of. But then I found out earlier today that she took something personal from my truck. Something that has to do with Jesse. Now I don’t know what to do.”

“She’s wanted on your dick for as long as I can remember. Do what you always do and tell her no.”

“That isn’t helpful,” I groaned. “No usually works. Ignoring her, or playing it off when she crosses the line, never bothered me before. But now things are different. Somehow, Rory knows that Jesse is different.”

“I’d definitely tell her that you know she took something from your truck. Maybe even let her know you reported it so she knows you’re closer to losing your patience with her.”

“Seems like a pussy way of handling it.”

“Yeah, but it's better than punching a girl,” Miles argued, which was true. I’d already told myself I couldn’t stoop to lowering my morals. And knowing Rory, she’d probably think it was foreplay and get even worse.

“Why did she have to come back to Harmony Haven?” I groaned.

“You’d think after all those years in Atlanta she’d have come back a different person…. Oh shit, hey, I’ve gotta go. About to pull a red truck over on the highway.”

“Okay,” I sighed, “go do your job.”

Before he hung up, I saw lights in my rearview mirror. Blue and red, spinning with an obnoxiously bright glow, and a siren that matched the cadence.

“Are you pulling me over?” I yelled into the phone.

“Yeah,” Miles laughed. “I was posted behind that sign back there. You can’t be on your phone while driving.”

As I pulled over, he hung up the phone and approached the side of my truck with his stupid flashlight.

“License and registration,” he commanded.

“I was on my Bluetooth, Fucker.”

“Doesn’t matter, I changed the reason I pulled you over,” Miles nodded with his lips pursed. “You’re getting arrested for being a pussy. A hard up, completely gone, pussy, who has it so bad he needs to be locked up.”

“You asshole,” I laughed, not bothering to get either my license, or my registration.

“You gonna be at dinner tomorrow?”

“Gotta work,” I shrugged. “And apparently set Rory straight.”

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