Page 63 of Dirty Monsters

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The only thing I wanted more than to listen to her cry was to be the reason she was crying, not my traitorous brother. It was me she would fear.

So as I creptup behind her, using the sound of the waves to hide my footsteps in the sand, I shook with excitement.

I had one small slipup when she yelled for Ro behind me. When I saw she was fucking around, I was twice as pissed, twice as anxious. I almost lost her as she tried to run, but I picked up the driftwood settled by my feet and swung it hard against her head.

It was not in the plan. I wanted her awake to see what happened next. But she did it to herself, and I had to improvise. I scooped her into my arms, acting like I was taking care of her, and made my way to my rental car.

Ro had no fucking clue.

Life had finally come full circle for me, and she was about to pay.

I woke up coughing. My throat was scratchy, my mouth was dry, and my head hurt like a bitch.

“Well, well, well. Welcome back, little lamb.”

My heart sank at the sound of his repulsive voice. As my eyes scanned the room, I noticed it lacked anything and everything. White walls, a brown door, no windows. He had taken me somewhere and planned all of this, which again, made me wonder how involved Ro was.

“Let me go, Kane. Don’t do this,” I plead with him.

“Ah, she begs. Beg me, little lamb. Beg me not to take what I want from you. What you’ve been freely giving to my brother.”

“How did you…?”

“I’ve been here for a few days now. Watching, waiting. Tell me, little lamb. Is he a good fuck? I bet you’re wondering if I could do it better.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat over and over, but it only seemed to lodge deeper in the same spot. I felt nauseous, and my palms were sweaty.

Surely, he wouldn't, right?

But my brain quickly reminded me he almost did when I was eleven. What would stop him now? He leaned down, the back of his cruel index finger sliding down my cheek. It’d be almost romantic if it wasn’t with him, and he wasn’t a monster.

“You missed me. Didn't you?”

“Fuck off, Kane.”

“Mmm… I like you feisty. You’ve grown up, haven't you? I see a little fire in you.”

I tried to move my hands and feet but realized I was tied to a chair with ropes around my feet and zip ties on my hands. I couldn’t see a way out. He smirked like he knew what I was thinking.

“My brother has been having all the fun, and now it’s my turn. I want to see what it’s like when you suck dick.” He pulls down the zipper on his pants, and his fully erect cock pops free.

If I was in any other situation, I might have laughed a little at how pathetic he was. He and Ro might have been brothers—twins—but there was no comparison to what the sight of them did to me. Kane revulsed me, and no part of me wanted him near me.

His face turned hard like he could read my thoughts. He grabbed my jaw, forcing me to open wide, and thrust inside without decorum. I gagged on the taste of his cock, wanting to vomit. I tried to fight him, to turn my head and spit him out of me. I even tried clamping my mouth shut.

Ro did something like that to me, held my jaw open and shoved himself into my mouth. There was still a stark contrast, though. I practically begged Ro to do it. Kane was forcing himself and dominating me in a way that made me scared for my life. Even in the pool, I never felt scared with Ro, not really. Kane was evil, unpredictable, and pissed—a bad combination.

“Ah, ah, ah, my little lamb. You get any stupid ideas, and I’ll kill you when this is all over.”

Just like when I was little, he struck a fear in me by threatening my life. I changed in an instant, no longer able to fight him off. Instead, I shook and succumbed to him until I could get my bearings about me.

I squeezed my eyes shut as he continued to violate my mouth. I gagged as he hit the back of my throat. Tears came to my eyes as I realized it was getting harder and harder to breathe. I started to struggle again, but instead of him backing away, my fight urged him on, and he managed to hold me in place with his hands on the back of my head.

Luckily, he pulled out in time for the wetness of his cum to hit my face and chest. I closed my eyes as more tears threatened to fall. How did we get to this so fast? Where is Ro? Is he a part of all this?

I couldn't believe he would be. We’d grown so close over the past few weeks, but there was always a lingering distrust, even if he did seem remorseful and sorrowful when it came to the past.

I leaned over the side of my chair as my stomach finally expelled all its contents. It dripped from my lips as I sat back up, and I couldn’t even wipe it away with my hand. My eyes tilted up to find his face again, and I saw him grinning like a psycho.

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