Page 16 of The Love We Make

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“Are you ok?” He repeated, this time slightly touching my elbow with his fingertips.

I shook my head a little to shake off the daze he put me in and replied, “Yeah, just lost my vodka down my dress.”

He smirked a little and took his eyes down the length of my body. “I see that.”

It didn’t feel sleazy or tacky like it usually felt when guys eyed a woman’s body so blatantly. His gaze felt resolute and dauntless like he had every right and reason to do so.

When his eyes made their way back to my face, he held my eyes for a minute before looking over my head, “Tony! Shot of vodka for my friend here!”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” I started, feeling embarrassed. I didn’t want him thinking I had been fishing for a refill. It wasn’t even his fault I spilled it.

“I know I don’t, but it's not for you. It's for me.” He reached behind me where Tony had placed the new shot and grabbed it for me. “I am really, really hoping this one ends up the same place as the other one.”

The look on my face was supposed to be punishment for his lame line, but it only made him smile wider than he already was. I silently took the shot and brought it to my lips. I could smell right away that this wasn’t the cheap stuff Tiffany had given me. This wasmystuff. So the shot went down quickly and easily.

“Sorry,” I said to the stranger. “I don’t make a habit of wasting vodka.”

He laughed and nodded, “That is probably a good thing.”

I thought after that he would move on and return to where he came from, back to his friends, or whoever he was with. But instead, he just backed up a little and continued to smile at me. With more space between us, I could see more of his body and his physique.

This guy was built like a tank. Not bodybuilder muscular but more muscles than the average Joe. He had on a blank short sleeve t-shirt and jeans that fit his body like they were specifically stitched up for him. Tattoos ran up both arms like a long sleeve shirt.

“Want another drink?” He asked.

I poked my bottom lip out and shook my head. Two shots were all I could handle.

“I’m Ty,” he reached his hand out and offered it to me to shake. I was enamored by this stranger. He reeked of power and dominance but somehow made me feel content and comfortable.

“Madison,” I said and grabbed his hand.

He got closer to the bar and took the stool next to the one I was in front of, inviting himself to join me. Tony brought him something to drink without him even having to ask, and I instantly knew it was top-shelf stuff. Tony turned to me and Ty waved him off, “Water.”

I smiled, thankful Ty wasn’t in a hurry to try and get me drunk.

“So, Madison, come here often?” He was laughing at himself before he even finished the question.

“Why, yes, yes I do. You?” I asked, playing along with the small talk.

“I do not, actually.”

“But you seem to know the bartender so well.”

“That is because when I got here an hour ago, I introduced myself and got his name.”

“Why?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“Because I like to make friends with the person pouring my drinks.” I was about to ask why again, when he continued. “I usually end up with better service and better drinks.”

“Very clever and sophisticated technique. So if you don’t come here often, why are you here tonight?”

“Friends,” he nodded in the opposite direction of where my friends were sitting.

“Do they mind you hanging out here with me?” I smiled. I was flirting.

“I actually think they would encourage me to stay.” His white teeth flashed and his eyes cut to the side. He was flirting back and I was getting giddy for the night ahead. Ty was as charming as he was good-looking. I felt like I had hit the bar night jackpot to have his attention on me.

“Where were you going when you were walking behind me?” I asked.

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