Page 167 of Javier

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My eyes snapped opened and I sat up straight in the bed, gasping.

“Angel?” Javier braced on an elbow and rubbed the sleep off his eyes. “Is everything okay?”

“No. Yes. I don’t know.” I threw the covers aside and slid my arms into my robe. “A dream. I just had a dream. We have to tell the others.”

“Tell them what?” He tossed his legs over the edge of the bed and jammed his legs into his sweats.

“Come on.” I threw the door open and ran down the stairs.

It was still dark outside. Dawn wasn’t even a hint on the horizon. The dark, rich scent of coffee wafted from the dining room. Knowing that the team was composed of early risers, I headed in that direction. I burst through the gilded doors like a madwoman, followed by Javier, who was still putting on his T-shirt.

Micah sat at one end of the table, working on a pile of scrambled eggs. Finn and Matt were loading their plates at the buffet table. Mina and Trev were in the process of fixing their coffees by the fancy expresso machine. Kai stood by the window, sipping on his mug. Everyone froze when they saw me.

“Where’s Thena?” I demanded. “Where’s Dash?”

“Is there a fire in the house?” Matt asked, sniffing the air.

“Guzman?” Finn frowned. “What did you do now?”

“Zip your trap.” Javier gave him the finger. “Angel, what do you need?”

“I need Thena and Dash here, right now!”

The thud of bare feet slapping on hardwood reached usbefore the door swung open and Thena ran into the room, still wearing her silk pajamas. Her blond curls streamed behind her, free and in disarray. Dash trailed her closely, with his cane in hand.

“Did you dream it?” Thena demanded, her face flushed with excitement.

“Yes!” I met her in the middle of the room and captured her hands. “Did you read it in the stars?”

“Dream what?” Dash demanded.

“Read what?” Javier asked.

“The place.” I squeezed her hands.

“The people.” Thena clung to my fingers.

“The thing,” I added.

“The thing?” Thena and I squealed at the same time. “Oh, my God. Missy! The thing!”

“Hey, lovelies, slow it down for the common man, will you?” Javier frowned, looking as confused as every other person in the room. “What’s going on here?”

“Yeah, what’s going on?” Dash shifted his gaze between Thena and I.

“I think it’s obvious,” Kai ventured. “These two had a busy night. Up here.” He tapped his index on his temple. “Am I right?”

“Totally.” I grinned at Thena. “I know the what and where.”

Thena’s face split into a smile. “And I know the how and who.”

“Pardon me.” Trev cleared his throat. “You ladies are not making a lot of sense.”

“Honey Bunches of Oats, trust me.” Mina set her coffee on the main table, and after plopping down on a chair, lifted the lid of her laptop. “These two are about to make lots of sense.”

“Yes!” I released Thena’s hands and faced the crew. “Wegot this.”

“Take a breath, Angel.” Javier coiled his arm around my waist and studied my face. “How about we start at the top?”

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