Page 70 of Dash

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“Watch and learn, Goddess,” Kai whispered back.

That’s when the rest of Dash’s crew showed up. Their arrival eased some of my fears, but all this talking had me nervous. I couldn’t hear what Dash was saying, but through his restored comms, Kai could.

“What’s happening?” I whispered.

“He’s gathering the info that we need to find the fucker who orchestrated this shitshow,” Kai explained at a murmur. “He’s also buying himself time and corralling these assholes until the police arrives.”

“Seems to me the police are taking their sweet time.”

“ETA, five minutes.” Kai pointed to his earpiece.

I forced myself to take a breath. These were going to be the longest five minutes of my life.



“Let’s make this fast and simple.” At the top of my hill, I stood in a relaxed pose, but all my senses were at full alert. “Who sent you?”

The leader flashed a gleeful smile that pissed me off. “I’d rather take my chances with the police than answer your questions,” the dickhead said.

“Who says the police are coming?” I narrowed my eyes on him and watched the man shift nervously on his feet. He believed he’d be safe with the police. I noted that.

“You’re a professional, law-abiding soldier, not a cold-blooded killer.” The fucker stuck to his bravado, revealing in the process that he knew some things about me. “You’re not gonna kill us. You have to turn us into the police.”

“The police’s too good of a fate for scum like you.” I flashed my teeth. “You’re wasting my time. Blood or no blood?”

“Like I said, you—”

Only one way to get this fucker talking. I signaled.


The leader fell to the ground, screaming. He writhed, looking for a wound. He didn’t find a wound per se, but he did find the hole in his pants made by a round that nicked his zipper right under his package.

The tangos around him hesitated, looking around with wide eyes, trying to find the sniper capable of taking them and their dicks out. They weren’t gonna find Cooper. He was too skilled to give away his position.

“Do you wanna keep your dick?” I asked Bearded Dude. “Talk.”

“What the fuck, man?” he eyed me, incensed. “You almost shot my balls off!”

“Be grateful you still got them.” I swept my glower over his friends and steeled my voice. “Who sent you?”

“I don’t know,” the leader said from his spot still on the ground.

“I don’t like your non-answer.” I began to lift a hand in the air.

“Wait, wait!” the man pleaded. “It’s the truth. I don’t know who hired us, only that they did. It was a blind contact through our handler.”

I didn’t wanna believe the asshole, but the man I hunted was no fool. I pressed on my comms. “Control, do you copy?”

“This is control,” Mina replied. “I copy. I’m watching live. Good movie so far. Over.”

“Copy that.” Cooper’s camera was feeding Mina live images. “Talk to me. Over.”

“The thug you’re talking to is Randy Wilkes,” Mina’s voice came crisp and clear through my earpiece and so did the clicks of her keyboard. “He’s muscle-for-hire for the Valdez Cartel. The cartel hires out Wilkes and his thugs to the highest bidder as a way to enhance their revenue stream. Wilkes’s rap sheet is so long it could be packaged into a jumbo size pack of toilet paper.”

“Hey, Wilkes,” I called out.

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