Page 10 of Beyond the Rules

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He smiled, a contagious grin that lifted my spirits and had me thinking that, given the circumstances—not to mention the guys—I didn’t have ittoobad.

“Bath time,” he announced and Aiden came in and picked me upagain.

“This is awesome,” I said, falling back on my wry sense of humor to bridge me through the moment. “I’ve got my own personal steward to carry mearound.”

Aiden’s smile ramped up his level of hotness. “You can ride meanytime.”

The hit and run he did with his eyes tickled my clit and curled my toes. Or was that backward and it actually curled my clit and tickledmytoes?

“Careful, Aiden…” If he only knew the images he’d just planted in my mind. “You wouldn’t want to be at my beckandcall.”

Aiden’s face flushed, but I loved the way he threw his head back and laughed, a deep rumbling cackle that reminded me of the green giant. I laughed too and felt good to be doing so.Hack the happy, girl. It was my personal motto, no matter how badthingsgot.

I was still giggling when Aiden carried me out to the outdoor ledge and eased me onto the slate floor. Tanner, who was filling up a stone carved bathtub as gorgeous and chiseled as he was, gave us a look that asked what the laughter was allabout.

“Aiden here was playing with words,” I accused, teetering ononefoot.

“Nina here was messing with my head,” Aiden countered, steadying me with a hand to theelbow.

“Was she now?” Tanner and Aiden exchanged grins, a cryptic, silent exchange that left me wondering what they’d said to each other. “Let’s get this off.” Tanner unwrapped my ankle and then there was this awkward moment where the three of us tradedlooks.

I wasn’t sure what I saw in their eyes, but I had a sudden flashback of my first year in high school when I walked stark naked out of the shower and into the locker room and all the girls began to whisper furiously behind my back. The gym teacher accused me of being an exhibitionist. That’s when I noticed that everybody else was wearing their towels like strapless sundresses. I went home, looked up the word “exhibitionist” and realized I’d been raised on a differentplanet.

“Um…guys?” I hesitated. “If you’re expecting the average blushing American prude, I’m afraid she’s not me. After my father bailed, my mother became a nudist and my brother and I grew up in a commune. I’m like totally okay with naked. On the other hand, I don’t want to make youuncomfortable.”

The seconds lengthened as the two men considered me with blank, impossible to read stares. When Tanner spoke, his usually smooth voice sounded gravelly. “I don’t have a problem with nudity.” He cleared his throat and looked toAiden. “You?”

“None whatsoever.” Aiden’s caramel eyes smiled at me. “A commune.That’scool.”

“Cool and mind opening, sure,” I volunteered, “but a nightmare when everybody in high school knows you live inNakedsville.”

Tanner’s emphatic eyebrows climbed up. “Rough,huh?”

“Pure and utter misery. But never mind the old junk. If the choice is bath or modesty, I’m all for bath.” I lifted my arms up in the air. “Off with theshirt.”

Aiden chuckled and Tanner grinned as he grabbed the edges and lifted the T-shirt over my head. Then I was naked as the day I’d been born in front of these two really hot guys. They were kind, trying not to stare at me too openly. As for me, I knew I looked good without clothes and I liked the appreciation I spotted on their faces. Verymuchso.

Their gazes, combined with the fresh rush of a mountain breeze, stiffened my nipples to the max. Nothing to do about that. My nipples ramped up to obscene when they tightened, but they were not the only reactive tissues around. If I wasn’t mistaken, there was a chain reaction taking place in Tanner and Aiden’s pants and their reactions were—visually speaking—much biggerthanmine.

The sight of those bulges thickening between their legs sent pangs of need all the way to my molecular level. Yeah, even my molecules were horny, buzzing with sexual tension like tiny vibrators. Yup, my brain damage was lasting. How the hell did you turn off your ownmolecules?

I couldn’t help but notice that they too were making a huge effort to keep in check. Aiden’s face was a poem in reds. Tanner’s grin tickled me where itcounted.

“Should I…?” Aiden nodded his chin towardthetub.


Tucking his arms behind my back and under my knees, Aiden picked me up, deposited me carefully in the stone tub and released me to the water’s embrace. The scent of fragrant eucalyptus and menthol rose from the warm water, filtered through my lungs and got to work on my body, dissolving the tension tightening my muscles, soaking away the aches andpains.

I perched my wrists on the tub’s edges, closed my eyes and, letting out a delighted moan, relaxed into the flow. This was such a luxury, such a contrast to the struggle of the last few years and the terror of the last few days. The view, the scents, the warmth. The guys. Oh, yeah, the guys. I’d been on my own for so long. Was it really so wrong to let these strong, capable men take care of me for a change, if only for a fewhours?

“I’ll call you when we’re done here,”Tannersaid.

“Right.” Aiden turned smartly on his heel and disappeared outthedoor.

“He doesn’t talk a lot but he’s super nice,” I said, dunking the back of my head to wet my hair, which still smelled ofdieselfuel.

“He’s been positively brimming with conversation today,” Tanner said. “In fact, he’s said more since you got here than in the last three weeksalone.”

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