Page 2 of Axel

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‘Look Sass, he’s come for his late afternoon drink,’ Arlo whispered, his eyes fixed on the captivating sight in front of him.

The deer had a regal and naturally dominant look to him. He might not have been a brown bear, but there was no way that this deer would back down for anyone.

And seconds later, a female deer and her young adolescent made their way through the bushes and toward the river’s edge. Arlo felt his heart miss a beat as the perfect family lapped up the water together.

Suddenly, Arlo’s mind was filled with wistful thoughts of finding his own big, strong deer in the shape of a Daddy…

He’d be fast, strong, and proud.

My Daddy would look after me and make me feel special.

And he’d do all the naughty things to me too…

As his mind wandered, Arlo lost his balance momentarily and in an attempt to regain it he crunched a branch underfoot. This sound was enough to draw the attention of the deer and before Arlo could say ‘Come back, Daddy’, the deer family was gone.

‘Oh well, it’s not like I’m finding a Daddy any time soon,’ Arlo said, wryly. ‘I live in a tent!’

Speaking of which, Arlo figured it was probably time to head back and start work on making a fire that would keep him and Sass warm through the evening and then into the long, dark night ahead…

The night sky above Arlo was a perfect black littered with countless stars. And while the campfire might have been burning bright, Arlo was struggling to stay warm. Even with his thick padded jacket on, Arlo would have loved nothing more than to feel the warm embrace of a Daddy’s strong arms wrapping around his body and pulling him in close.

Still, the lack of a Daddy wasn’t going to dampen Arlo’s spirits too much.

‘So beautiful,’ Arlo said, casting his eyes toward the half-moon and the endless supply of stars that shone above him in the sky. ‘I wish I could stay out here all night.’

But Arlo knew that it was nearly time to head inside his tent and hunker down for the night. A good night’s sleep would help Arlo come up with a plan for what he was going to do next.

Since leaving the military, Arlo had relied upon his savings and living as low cost a life as possible to get by. But with his money running lower by the day and no sign of a plan formulating in his head, Arlo knew that sooner rather than later he would need to put some kind of concrete plan in place.

In the months since leaving the military, Arlo had travelled from town to town in search of something. Precisely what that was, Arlo wasn’t entirely certain. All Arlo knew was that he hadn’t found his place to settle down yet.

Arlo’s parents had moved to Europe as part of their retirement plan, and while he knew that he could go and visit them, Arlo still hadn’t actually told them about what happened with his military dream. Or more specifically, that his dream had kind of turned into a nightmare.

The longer Arlo could put off telling his parents the truth, the better as far as he was concerned. Arlo didn’t like the thought of lying to them, but he knew that there was still unfinished business that needed to be settled before he could give them the full, complete picture.

But whatever he had or hadn’t told his parents about his short-lived military career, Arlo had far more prominent things on his mind. Namely, how he was going to get all warm and snuggly in his tent.

After ensuring that his campfire was safely extinguished, Arlo climbed into his tent and got inside the thermal sleeping bag with Sass alongside him.

‘Okay, what shall I dream about tonight…’ Arlo sighed, his mind quickly brining up images of what his dream Daddy might look like.

Before Arlo knew it, his body was tingling to the thought of what he would do if a big, gruff Daddy unzipped his tent and made his way inside. The thought of being devoured by a wild, mountain man Daddy was enough to make Arlo’s hands wander down toward his special place.

However the extra snug fit of the sleeping bag made any kind of horseplay a little bit too difficult. Arlo thrusted his hips upward in a mix of arousal and frustration and then resigned himself to simply drifting off to sleep and hopefully having a sexy dream instead.

‘Maybe it’s for the best, Sass,’ Arlo said, his eyes feeling tired. ‘I need as much sleep as I can get. Tomorrow, we’ll go into town and see what this Eagle Ridge place is all about…’

With that, Arlo’s eyes shut, and he fell asleep.

A Daddy wasn’t about to burst into his tent, but that didn’t mean that Arlo wasn’t closer to a strong, outdoor Daddy than he might have imagined.

To the sound of birdsong, Arlo sat up in his tent and felt refreshed from a good night’s sleep.

It turned out that going to sleep with naughty thoughts of Daddies was in fact conducive to a sound sleep, and Arlo giggled as he remembered the dreams that had filled his head as he slept.

From his military training, Arlo knew how to get himself ready in double-quick time. After a quick wash and toothbrush at the nearby river, Arlo packed his tent in efficient style and found himself ready to rock and roll into Eagle Ridge.

While his time in the military might have ended on the sourest of sour notes, Arlo didn’t see the whole experience as a washout. The fact that he was now capable of being soindependent and self-reliant was something that filled Arlo with pride.

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