Page 40 of Kipp

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‘This looks like the place,’ Kipp growled, standing outside the large, swanky office block that housed Benson and no doubt countless other flashy assholes.

With his thick plaid shirt and workman’s dungaree jeans, Kipp might have looked out of place as he strode through the office block’s plush lobby and powered his way past all manner of stuffy looking men in suits. But Kipp didn’t care. In fact, he barely noticed anyone else around him.

‘Sir, can I help you?’ asked a young guy on the reception desk.

‘Rose. Benson Rose,’ Kipp snarled. ‘Where can I find him?’

‘Sixth floor. Take the elevator, head to the end of the corridor, then he’s on the left.’

Kipp nodded and as he walked toward the elevator, he quickly figured that the guy on the reception desk must have been fully aware of what a slimeball Benson was. After all, it was hardly likely to be company policy to go giving out the location of workers to a person who had just walked in off the streets.

It wasn’t long before Kipp was opening Benson’s office door and despite feeling an urge to immediately cause mayhem, Kipp held his cool. This was a time to be controlled and clear – evenif Benson did have the kind of punchable face that Kipp could have had a field day with…

‘Who the fuck are you?’ Benson screeched, a look of confusion and panic on his face as Kipp towered above him. ‘And why they hell are you in my office?’

Kipp could tell that Benson had no substance to him. Clearly the whole aggression thing was an act, and the giveaway was the film of sweat that had instantaneously developed on Benson’s greasy brow.

Benson might have been wearing a four thousand dollar suit and have the watch to match, but he wasn’t a man’s man. Far from it.

‘I’m here on behalf of Dale,’ Kipp said, holding his arm out in Benson’s direction and duly pushing the phone off the desk as Benson made a move toward it. ‘You are to never, ever contact him again.’

‘Fuck you!’ Benson blurted, his voice riddled with anger and fear in equal measure. ‘You can’t tell me what to do. Do you know how much I’m worth? Or how much I earn? I canownDale if that’s what I want.’

Kipp shook his head.

It looked like Benson might need a little more convincing.

‘Okay, have it your way,’ Kipp growled, walking round to the other side of the desk and lifting Benson right out of the seat and tossing him over his shoulder and letting him drop to the ground. ‘Stay away from my boy.’

Kipp turned and saw that Benson was crawling toward the office door.

A quick three strides and Kipp was blocking the door, his huge frame towering over Benson and making him look weak and timid as he backed away.

‘Stay. Away. Or. Else,’ Kipp said, his voice full of controlled aggression. ‘Am I understood?’

‘He owes me money,’ Benson said, his bottom lip trembling and any kind of conviction totally absent at this point.

‘Whether he does or not, it doesn’t matter,’ Kipp said, again moving toward Benson. ‘The way you treated Dale was a disgrace. I won’t allow it. And do I need to throw you around this office over and over until you understand that?’

Kipp wasn’t actually asking Benson anything. This was a warning. But a warning that he was more than ready to follow up on in the realest terms.

‘I’ll need an answer,’ Kipp said, crouching down and leaning in close to Benson.

I’m right here.

He can take a shot at me.

If he dares…

But Benson wasn’t about to hit Kipp. He wasn’t even going to try. The truth was that Benson was every bit the coward that Kipp suspected he would be.

‘Fine. Have it your way,’ Benson finally said, his voice weak and croaking. ‘No more Dale. You’ll never hear from me again.’

Kipp shook his head in disgust.

Benson was the worst kind of man. He preyed on those with less money than him, those with less confidence, and those who didn’t know how to stand up to a bully. Kipp despised that kind of man. And even had Dale not been involved in this whole mess, he would have been more than happy to throw a serious scare in Benson Rose’s direction.

‘Oh, and one more thing,’ Kipp said. ‘I’ve got friends in this city. The kind you don’t fuck around with. The Mafia Daddies NYC aren’t men a rat like you ever needs to meet. Trust me. Do yourself a favor and don’t ever go back on your word or you might just run into me and them down a dark alley.’

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