Page 17 of Kipp

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Dale shut his eyes and decided to enjoy a little nap.

After all, he wasn’t due down in the diner for another hour and a half. It was time to bask in his non-orgasm ahead of another busy day in the diner.

‘Holy crap, I’m so sorry!’ Dale exclaimed, bursting into the diner and ready to make his apologies clear to Marshall.

Dale’s little nap had turned into a full-on rest and recovery session. Not only did Dale snooze his alarm, but he snoozed his back-up alarm too. And he repeated this process enough times to make himself over an hour late for his shift.

‘Hey, I’m cool,’ Marshall said, rolling his eyes. ‘But I’m not sure Kipp is…’

‘Kipp!’ Dale exclaimed, his heart almost jumping out of his mouth as he realized that Kipp would be far from impressed at his tardiness.

It might have been different had Dale not made such a bad impression the previous day, but Kipp would surely be furious. A potential punishment was one thing, but Dale was suddenly fearful for his job too.

‘How long has he been here?’ Dale said, a bead of sweat already forming on his brow. ‘Please tell me he wasn’t here before my shift was meant to start?’

‘I mean, I could tell you that if you really want me to…’ Marshall said, shrugging his shoulders. ‘But I’d be lying.’

‘Oh crap,’ Dale said, his tummy flipping and twisting as the magnitude of the situation was hitting him. ‘Where is he now?Maybe if he’s not around, I can buy enough time to come up with a believable excuse?’

Dale paused and waited for Marshall to reply. Marshall was resourceful and between them they could usually come up with a good story to help the other out of whatever mischief they had gotten themselves into.

But Marshall didn’t respond.

Instead he simply, turned away and got on with cleaning up some empty coffee cups.

Instinctively, Dale knew what this meant. And it wasn’t good…

‘You could try it,’ Kipp said, his voice coming from directly behind Dale. ‘But I think you’re already in deep enough waters with me, young man.’

‘I…um… if you just let me explain…’ Dale said, his brain desperately trying to conjure something, but failing.

‘Follow me, boy,’ Kipp said, making it perfectly clear that he was telling, not asking.

With that, Dale duly followed behind Kipp and walked into the office at the rear of the diner.

‘Back so soon,’ Kipp said, clearly unimpressed. ‘I thought we had ironed things out yesterday. Obviously not. Now, we’ll progress as I made clear would happen if my standards weren’t met. I take it you’re still in agreement with this way of doing things?’

Dale felt his heart beating harder and faster than ever before.

He might also have put himself through three nearly-but-not-quite orgasms earlier that morning, but his special place was already firing up again too.

‘Answer me!’ Kipp barked, in no mood for any more hesitation.

‘Yes, Kipp,’ Dale replied. ‘I’m in agreement.’

‘Good, now come over here and put yourself across my lap,’ Kipp growled, taking a seat and presenting his big, muscular legs for Dale to drape his slender body across. ‘This will hurt. But it will help too.’

Dale nodded nervously as he slowly bent over and lay his body across Kipp’s impressively powerful legs. He might have been wearing a pair of his classic blue jeans, but Dale could feel how strong and defined Kipp’s upper legs were. And that was without even mentioning the prominent chunk of manhood that was suddenly pressing itself up against his tummy.

‘You will receive six spanks on each cheek,’ Kipp said, totally in control and delivering his words like a true Daddy Dom. ‘And you will saythank youafter each one. Am I understood?’

‘Yes, Kipp,’ Dale said, his voice trembling.

Dale gasped as Kipp pulled him in tight and fixed his dangling legs in place by adjusting his legs.

‘Now raise your hips so I can pull your trousers and pants down,’ Kipp said, a hint of devilish delight in his voice as Dale did precisely as he was told without a moment’s hesitation. ‘Good. This butt is ripe for its medicine. But are you ready?’

‘Y-y-y-y-yes, I think so,’ Dale spluttered, his arousal making it difficult to focus.

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