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“Come have coffee with us,” Emma invited her. “I want to hear exactly what happened. It’s kind of a miracle the same hasn’t happened to me.”

“I’ll bring the luggage in when I get home.” Reid dropped a kiss on Emma’s mouth while Glenda got behind the wheel and took the women up the hill.

“What’s up?” Reid asked Logan. Reid wore none of the tension that used to grip him for days after returning from a visit with his mom.

“Let’s take it to theStorm Ridge,” Logan suggested and started down the ramp.

Reid cocked a brow at Trystan.

Trystan shrugged, asking, “How’s your mom?”

“Good. We spent the day at Butchart Gardens. Not really my cup of tea, but Mom and Em enjoyed it.”

“You tell her about the sale?” Logan asked over his shoulder as he stepped up onto the deck of theStorm Ridge.

“Yeah, she’s disappointed that the money will be tied up until God knows when, but she was happy to hear that Em and I will stay in BC while we wait for the adoption process to finalize. She suggested we bring Storm next time.”

“That’s progress,” Trystan noted.

“It is.” Reid followed Logan into the saloon. “She really likes Em, probably because Em is super honest with her. She told Mom that her first mother-in-law would say things to belittle her and talk about her behind her back. She said, ‘Please never do that to me,’ and Mom said, ‘I never will.’ I always thought that if I married, I would have to manage the relationship between my wife and my mother, but they want to be friends and they’re making it happen.”

“That’s good to hear. Em deserves that. So does Miriam.” Trystan started to lock the door open, to let in the breeze, but Logan shook his head so Trystan closed it instead.

“What’s going on?” Reid frowned with concern, looking between them.

“Nothing much.” Logan crossed his arms and leaned against the galley island. “Just that Trys is breaking rule number one.”

“Oh, fuck off,” Trystan said to the ceiling, but the guilt of being found out poured like an open tap straight into his veins.

“What do you mean? The nanny was with me in Vict—” Reid swore under his breath. “Really, Trys? I expect that shit from this one, but you?”

“Hey. I’m marrying Sophie.” Logan lifted his palms in aWTF?“And we had history. It doesn’t count.”

“First of all, what makes you think there’s anything going on between us?” Trystan asked, meeting Logan’s eyes while wearing his best poker face.

“The fact that you’re not denying it,” Logan said with a choke of laughter at how badly Trystan was failing at his bluff. “The fact that you know who I’m talking about.”

“Who are we talking about?” Reid asked cautiously.

“Cloe,” Logan said.

“Just making sure I’m keeping up.” Reid nodded.

“You should have heard them bickering over tampons. They are definitely fucking,” Logan assured him.

“Hey,” Trystan warned. “Clean it up.”

“Oh. My mistake. They are definitely having a torrid, secret affair.”

“You are not the moral compass you think you are.” Trystan glared at Logan. “And my private life is none of your business.”

“Did you really just say that to me? With a straight face? The guy who ghosted me for eightyearsbecause you didn’t like the way I’d treated Sophie? I was young and stupid, Trys. You’re not. You’re old enough to know better.”

“I’m old enough to choose my partners without running it by my brothers, so you can fuck all the way off.”

“Okay, look.” Reid put out a calming hand. “Let’s not climb anger mountain. You’re right, Trys. Who you sleep with is none of our business. All we’re saying is, when it comes to the actual business, and Storm, we have a right to ask a few questions.”

That got Trystan’s back up even more. “We’re all clear on the fact that Cloe’s motive is to have a relationship with her niece, aren’t we?”

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