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“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you both.” My mom beamed with kindness but cut the conversation short. “But if you’ll—”

I cut in, “Excuse me for a minute while I have a word with these gentlemen in private.”

“But sweetheart, I—”

Before she could utter another word, I left the table and my perplexed parents. My father shook his head and my mom sat there, stunned, with her mouth agape. I silently mouthed at them, “I’ll be right back.”

Both men followed behind me with their laser beam eyes directly on my backside. Without question, Sin had his dark lustful gaze locked on my ass while Saint’s roamed up and down my body. I sizzled from the top of my head down to the tips of my toes as we rounded a corner until we were out of sight.

“What on earth are you two doing here?” I huffed.

“We happened to be in the neighborhood,” Sin teased and brushed my bare shoulder.

I shuddered at his touch but pulled away. “Yeah, right.”

“Fine. We followed you,” Sin admitted as he rolled his eyes and flashed a devilish smirk. “But we enjoyed every second.”

“And we got to meet our future mother-in-law and father-in-law,” Saint said as he caressed my cheek and his blue eyes gleamed with excitement. “I think they liked us.”


“Shocking, we know. Especially considering the timing with the wedding you will not show up to…” Sin rambled on while I stood there dumbfounded by his confidence. “All the lying and falling in love with us behind Sebastian’s back.”

I pushed Saint’s hand away and lied, “I’m not in love with either of you.”

“Yes, you are…” Sin growled as he stepped closer and intensely peered down at me. “You love us and so will your parents once you become our wife.”

Saint was inches away from me, his hot breath on my cheek. Sin sweetly grazed my other cheek until his hand trailed down and cupped my collarbone. Without warning, he tightly squeezed, compressing my airway as it burned for freedom and caused my eyes to bulge.They owned me, claimed me months ago, and loved me unconditionally. I just needed to admit I loved them, too.

“Please—” I squeaked, unable to utter another word.

“Tell us,” Saint encouraged me and licked my cheek.

“Admit your heart burns for us. Don’t deny it, Liv,” Sin threatened through clenched teeth. “Or you’ll live with the regret forever.”

“I love—” unable to go on with no breath left.

“Sin,” Saint hissed.

Sin eased his hold around my throat when I couldn’t get the words out. He gave his best friend an order to let me go so I could finish what they had started. An addiction turned into painful passion and had spiralled out of control.

I choked, gasping for breath as a said, “To hate you both.”

Saint argued, “No, you don’t.”

“Yes, I do. This obsession with me needs to end.”

Sin was fed up, and I feared he’d strangle me right on the spot, but he didn’t. Instead, he grabbed my hand and took the big diamond engagement ring off. He tossed the golden band over his shoulder until it bounced off the wall behind him and it fell to the floor.

“Liar,” Sin growled through clenched teeth and made me stare at my naked ring finger. “This will bewhere we place our wedding ring, not motherfucking Sebastian.”

My heart ached as I uttered the hurtful words, “I’m marrying him and not either of you.”

“Sebastian doesn’t own this pretty little finger. We do and we’ll fucking prove it.” Sin glared, refusing to quit.

Instantly, Sin opened his mouth and swallowed my ring finger whole. His lips wrapped around the knuckle of the tiny digit while his teeth bit into my skin right where the engagement band had sat. I yelped from the pain, but Saint concealed the sound with his mouth. The devil had branded my ring finger, but I had let him inside and he claimed me as his. A mark of ownership to ensure we never part.

“Saint…” Sin breathed heavily when he released my finger and glanced at his best friend. “Your turn.”

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