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My phantoms.

I looked left then right, but only saw cars, trees, and strangers. No tattooed men in business suits with sexy hair and gorgeous eyes. Sin and Saint were nowhere in sight, but I knew they were close. They always were.

I kneeled down and picked up the white box. The note made my heart do a flip.

Happy birthday, little obsession. We sliced this up just for you.

I was either going into cardiac arrest, or those fuckers left me feeling all gushy inside—tingly with mushy emotions, making me want more. Well, fuck them!

I stormed into the house only to slam the door behind me, and I hoped they had seen my wrath. Those idiots did some crazy shit and then they do nice things. They bought me fake roses, brought me coffee, comforted me when I had my period… Well, they also forced me to have multiple orgasms to help with pain relief, but this was all beside the point. They were—

A big slice of red velvet cake greeted me when I opened the box with human fingers sticking up.

Ten, to be exact.

Real human fingers.

“Holy shit!”

I dropped the cake onto the floor while icing splattered in the box, and some fingers fell. The ends were coated with dried up blood and my stomach heaved. A hand covered my mouth, and I felt the bile build up. I was ready to hurl all over the gruesome present my phantoms had left me, but I held the puke at bay.

Through all the vivid thoughts running through my head, my eyes caught a ring on one finger. A particular silver band I recognized from the man who’d had his hands all over me. The predatory pig hadn’t left of his freewill, he was forced, and his fucking fingers were cut off!

My cell phone chimed, making me jump right out of my skin and the screen lit up.


Did you like your birthday present?


You can’t be serious! Is this some kind of sick joke?


Oh, those fingers are the real deal, sweetheart.

I wanted to throw my phone, smash it onto the floor right with the cake. But I refrained, kept my cool, and gave them hell.


What the fuck is wrong with the two of you? You can’t just go kill a man and cut off another guy’s fingers!


Why not?


Because it’s insane!

But I was too. Trapped in the madness of their affection for me. Blinded by their addiction to me. No matter what these two did, they did everything for me.


Is it?


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