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That was the glitter from her damn dress hugging all her curves, and she was a goddamn goddess dressed in black. Perfect for me.

I watched with hungry eyes as my prey held onto Mr. Chamberlain’s arm and flashed a fucking gorgeous smile toward everyone. Her eyes twinkled in thelight and made the crowd the center of her world. She hexed every person with a heartbeat until the organ stopped beating. But I saw the fault in her smile.

A pain far too great—she had locked the truth inside, buried her suffering deep in her core and kept the sadness prisoner. Shackled away in her hollow soul, there was a brokenness I wanted to make whole.

There was a quick flash of panic when she peered up at her fiancé, and she held her breath while time seemed to stand still. Her busty chest wouldn’t move, and I knew she wished in her blackened heart to be anywhere other than here. Her delicate neck was stiff without a throb as her pulse slowed down, and I wanted to make it speed up. I craved to see the little pebble palpitate in her throat beneath her skin from my touch. I would spark a light and set her world on fire. But I wouldn’t burn her universe, leaving it dull and turning it to ash.

I was a man starved with a strained erection against my slacks when she finally took a breath. I imagined all the things I’d do to her, all the ways I’d make her mine. As she continued on, I instantly became obsessed. Attracted. Addicted. Whole-heartedly fucking consumed, and I had to have her.

Mr. Chamberlain introduced his fiancé and gave a speech, but I wasn’t listening. My future was clear, and she was the apple of my eye. I’d sooner rot in the core of hell than let anyone else have her. Liv Valencia would be ours.


Their Obsession


“Where did I put them?” I muttered under my breath.

I moved magazines aside, peeked inside of trinkets, and turned my condo apartment upside down. My set of keys weren’t anywhere. The keys to my apartment and personal mailbox went missing last night.

I don’t understand where they could’ve gone. I could’ve sworn I put them in my clutch before I left for the party. But they had disappeared. Gone in the blink of an eye.


I had to get Sebastian to use his key to open the door late last night. I had created a scene in front of a group he was in the middle of business with and convinced the small crowd I wasn’t feeling well. Despite Sebastian’s insistence on staying, the older couple believed heshould accompany me home. He agreed and escorted me out, but secretly cursed me for ruining his precious party. And I earned a harsh slap on the limousine ride home.

The resulting mark was more noticeable this morning, and I had to use concealer to cover up the bruise. A slap to the face was much better than Sebastian Chamberlain discovering the truth of my infidelity. Another one he didn’t know about and a fresh one I had to conceal.

I gave up the search after leaving no inch of the condo unturned and cleaned everything up. I was frantic because I didn’t need another reason for my fiancé to become angry. He’d take his rage out on me. I’d have to get another set of keys made immediately, before Sebastian found out. I’d order a backup set for my utter stupidity.

He had left for work at the usual time and wouldn’t be back until late. I was happy when I woke up. The bed had long gone cold without his body heat, and I wished we never had to share one. But keeping me close was one of the many ways he controlled me.

My cell phone chimed with its normal sound, but it was far too early for a text from my cruel fiancé. I narrowed my eyebrows as I pondered who else would text me and placed the book I held back on the bookshelf. This place needed to be tidied up prior to Sebastian’sarrival. He didn’t agree with a cluttered home and as a stay-at-home bride-to-be, I needed to meet his standards. He provided for me, put food on the table, and gave me everything my heart could desire. Or at least he thought he did.

I picked up my cell and flipped it over to see the screen lit up with a text. It was an unknown contact; my heart stopped. Dread crept up inside of me as I read two words and knew nothing would ever be the same.


Miss me?

What the hell? Who was this? Why was this random freak texting me?

I shouldn’t text back. I knew this to be true. But my fingers were far too tempted to type.

This message could be from some crazed maniac ready to kill me. Murder me in cold blood and I’d cease to exist while he did whatever he wanted to my dead corpse. Gross. Brutal image, I know. But I knew exactly who this unknown person was.

It was Sin Cruz. My phantom from last night, ready to interact with his obsession—unfortunately, me.

Sin had somehow got my number.How?I’d never know. But the answer didn’t really matter because he was a stalker. A creep who lurked in the night and watched from the shadows. He haunted my dreams while I slept in a deep slumber and trapped me in hisdarkness. He was my pursuer, and he could be a serial killer ready to strike his next victim.


I was playing with fire, bound to get burned, but I was a stupid bitch. I’d play dumb and hope the cover fooled him enough to leave me alone.

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